- Written by
- Published: 20 Jan 2021
... either Skyrim wont let me cheat or you cant :) Was this reply helpful? Needless to say I was wondering if someone could make a simple mod that allows you to marry Babette the vampire in the Dark Brotherhood like you would any other spouse in Skyrim. No. Skyrim's Radiant AI system may prevent this. For some reason you cant marry the hottest woman you do quests for. "The subject seems like hush hush," someone asked Bethesda marketing guru Pete Hineson Twitter. The goal now is to complete radiant quests for Delvin and possibly Vex, which will pay you a good bit of gold (a base of 500 gold per quest, plus you often get to sell what you steal!) Your soulmate is a master thief who lives in a sewer in one of the most hated cities in Skyrim! The simplest way is to head to the Riften Temple of Mara and buy one from Maramal for 200 gold, but they will also show up in random loot and at merchants. r/skyrim. ... either Skyrim wont let me cheat or you cant :) Up vote (0) IM. Plus she opens a shop that gives gold every 24 hours (in game). Capable of reaching up to level 50, you can obtain Aela as a follower early on in your adventures and she’ll follow you through the rest of them. Vex. Thanks for your feedback. She is one of the NPCs in Skyrim that is open for Marriage. Amar is the Chief Nerd at Near Bear and can be mostly found binge watching Netflix, researching tech, shooting things on PS4, and arguing over who is the strongest Avenger. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. WHYYYYYYY". This thread is locked. I'm currently working on making Brynjolf and Vex marriable and may add Karliah as well. . You've been seen in the company of ... Astrid. The marriage mod also aims to fix many of the bugs that marriage has in base-game Skyrim, improving little tweaks that you’ll notice as you play with it. There are several ways to obtain an Amulet of Mara. But before you can get any of that you need to figure out who you want to marry. You can also find an amulet in random loot and shops. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Delvin would be a close second for the sexy voice and chill personality. This video is a guide on how to marry virtually anybody in Skyrim using one of two methods that are shown in this instructional video. Skyrim legalizes gay marriage. Capable of reaching up to level 50, you can obtain Aela as a follower early on in your adventures and she’ll follow you through the rest of them. But I looked it up and this seems to be the console code for adding a NPC to the marriage … I would like to know if your able to marry Vex from the Thiefs Guild? 'Then there is also an option saying 'interested in me, are you?' I recommend this discussion (0) Subscribe Subscribe Subscribe to RSS feed; Replies (7) Jake STK. I haven’t played this just yet but you can bet your bottom dollar it’s in my que! then when I talked to her, she said something like'is that the amulet of mara? Great! Marry Babette? All rights reserved. he's already so thankful and pleasant. If you buy something we may get a small commission at no extra cost to you. She will not react to the Dragonborn, until joining the Thieves' Guild. Yes No. Even in Skyrim, you can find that special someone and settle down.Marriage has long been a part of this popular Bethesda title, but it isn't always easy to woo your chosen partner. Once you have the amulet, identify the person you would like to marry, and speak to them while wearing the amulet to propose. Sadly, no major characters can be married in Skyrim and that means you can't marry a Jarl. This mod allows Brynjolf and Vex to accompany the player as followers after the completion of the Thieves Guild questline. Most of the woman you can marry are ugly man. implantedwall14. She can be hired as a follower, after which you can marry her without any quests. Continue browsing in r/skyrim. I really want to have something more personal than the "Interested in me, are you?" Why isnt gunmar at fort dawnguard after i completed the main storyline sorine is there but some reason he isnt? She is quite sure of her abilities as she tells the Dragonborn not even to think of replacing her and to follow whatever she says. You gotta complete the Companions quest line before you can marry her, though. After hearing this, you can then ask Vex if you should try to buy him off. 3 Mjoll The Lioness For anyone looking for a companion with their priorities set straight, Mjoll is the ideal choice. ... Vex offers you a plethora of work in burglaries, heists, sweeps, and shill jobs. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. 3DS FC - 5455 9389 5386 | GT: GB2TheKitchen. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. For some reason you cant marry the hottest woman you do quests for. Can you marry Vex? Just like in real life, you are turned down. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. This is what I advanced. If you’re anything like me and just LOVE roll playing, then keep the violence rolling after you complete this updated quest line by downloading “Second Great War” which adds a whole new war quest to the game revolving around the Dominions takeover of Skyrim. 20 Best Skyrim Wives You Can Marry BY Ana Benkovic This post may contain affiliate links. Producing excessive skills in the likes of one-handed, sneak, light-armor, archery and speech make her a great all-rounder. I don't think you can marry Vex, but you can marry Aela. I don't think you can marry Vex, but you can marry Aela. In Skyrim, you can marry anyone of any gender or race. Elderscrolls.fandom.com Vex puts on a tough exterior - has to, but inside she's a little girl who just wants someone to care for her and understand her. Official Lightning's shorts of this board. This thread is locked. She will not react to the Dragonborn, until joining the Thieves' Guild. the sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel. It has it's benefits. Author Details; Amar Hussain. Sorry this didn't help. If you're a male Nord, you could marry a male Orc if you wish! Yes you can marry anyone in Skyrim, regardless of gender or race. I would like to know if your able to marry Vex from the Thiefs Guild? You should really get married in Skyrim. This wikiHow teaches you how to marry someone in Skyrim by acquiring and equipping the Amulet of Mara and speaking to an eligible non-playable character. © Valve Corporation. People, its 2011 we shouldn't be saying Gameplay>Graphics or Graphics>Gameplay. I would like to know if your able to marry Vex from the Thiefs Guild? If I wasn't straight, I'd go for Vex because she's spicy, lol. Fortunately, you can correct the invalid state in TGRShell. 1. share. Apparently you can't. Page 1 of 7 - Brynjolf, Vex, Karliah -- custom spouses and marriage options - posted in File topics: I'm currently working on making Brynjolf and Vex marriable and may add Karliah as well. Can u marry vex | Fandom. She went a bit soft after we got married, but she's the dog's bollocks when it comes to having a trusty companion on quests. I dont know if its just me, and no, I did not use the console command. List of Skyrim Marriage Candidates Love is love in the land of Skyrim. You can marry pretty much anyone in Skyrim, no matter your gender or race. At the end of the quest, you will have an Amulet of Mara you can use to get married. Why would you marry anyone at all? You'd probably get the Lover's comfort and Diabella buff from her. Next time round I'll marry the girl who works in the Alchemist store in Markarth, she's cute or Mjoll the lioness in Riften who looks hard, but attractive (i read she can't be killed). Yeah, in Jorrvaskr. I started a topic to discuss the marriage features. Image source. Can i release serena from service and get back after a quest? I married Aela as she was really feisty before we married. Both Brynjolf and Vex have fully voiced responses using their original voice type. Don't think she'll fall for that phony charm though. The point of this achievement is to restore the infamous Thieves' Guild of Skyrim to its former glory. I'm not using the standard marriage quest but rather creating a entirely new, custom marriage route. She was voiced by Kari Wahlgren. I mean, you are asking him to betray Mercer Frey. Sure there's a few exceptions but you cant marry the best looking ones, like Ingun Black Briar for example. [edit] NameRaceLocationMjoll the LionessNordRiften.MuiriBretonThe Hag's Cure in Markarth.Njada StonearmNordWhiterun, generally in Jorrvaskr.OrlaNordThe Temple of Dibella in Markarth.24 weitere Zeilen • 28.04.2019 She barely escaped with her life. In Skyrim, you can marry anyone of any gender or race. and make progress towards unlocking unique quests to help out various contacts around Skyrim, which in turn will help the Thieve’s Guild achieve a foothold in more cities. Morwen - if you complete Take Nera's Necklace to Runil in Falkreath, you will be able to marry the Nord-warrior of Skaal Village;; Hilund - the Nord from Thirsk Hall can be married only after completing Bring 50 Riekling Spears to Hilund;; Halbarn Iron-Fur - in order to marry the blacksmith from Thirsk Hall, you will have to complete Bring 10 Stalhrim Ore and 15 Ebony Ingots to Halbarn. You can marry anyone in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, Bethesda has confirmed. Have a nice honeymoon! You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. Before the Dragonborn showed up, she failed a job with Delvin Mallory to set an example of the Goldenglow Estate by burning some beehives. Vous pouvez modifier vos choix à tout moment dans vos paramètres de vie privée. Vex is a respected member of the Thieves' Guild, and a master Lockpicking trainer. Not that I'm big on the whole marriage thing in the first place, but out of all the underdeveloped and ugly NPCs in the game, she seemed to be the least ugly/underdeveloped. It involves various small jobs that you can acquire from Vex and Delvin within the Guild itself, until you get access to four special quests. @ : Kinda agree, I always thought she was a Breton despite the fact that she's tagged as imperial. I'm not using the standard marriage quest but rather creating a entirely new, custom marriage route. I think if you play PC you can use console codes, though. Plus she owns a woodmill. Never-ending adventures can get exhausting. Skyrim: 20 Best Wives & How To Marry Them. I can post a link if that's permitted. Yahoo fait partie de Verizon Media. So if you’re ready to settle down there are plenty of ladies to woo. I have never used console codes because I play the Xbox version (my computer would implode if I tried running Skyrim on it..). We should expect BOTH to be excellent if were paying $59.99+tax. I wore the amulet of mara. Aela is very patient as a follower when it about actions like murder and thievery. if we're including dragons, i think Durnehviir would make a lovely house husband. Pour autoriser Verizon Media et nos partenaires à traiter vos données personnelles, sélectionnez 'J'accepte' ou 'Gérer les paramètres' pour obtenir plus d’informations et pour gérer vos choix. I martied Muiri, shes the prettiest npc you can marry. If you don't actually feel it, you're better off to just stay away. If you're an assassin or a thief and you married the Black Briar girl, how cool would that be? Your best bet would be to erase his debt with Maven Black-Briar. But you can marry Marcurio. She's defiantly my type of gal. Despite her behaviour alienating her from her counterparts, Vex is utterly loyal to the Guild and will react violently to any threat or insult to it; when Mercer Frey's betrayal is discovered, Vex immediately draws her dagger and vows t… Can you marry Vex? Nos partenaires et nous-mêmes stockerons et/ou utiliserons des informations concernant votre appareil, par l’intermédiaire de cookies et de technologies similaires, afin d’afficher des annonces et des contenus personnalisés, de mesurer les audiences et les contenus, d’obtenir des informations sur les audiences et à des fins de développement de produit. 20 Best Skyrim Wives You Can Marry BY Ana Benkovic This post may contain affiliate links. dialogue. At least he has a cool accent... Lydia. But there are only a few available choices of characters you can marry. Vex is a respected member of the Thieves' Guild, and a master Lockpicking trainer. She is a werewolf and also a member of the companies guild. From Aela to Mjoll the Lioness, here are our picks for the best wives in Skyrim, as well as tips for gaining their trust and romancing them. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. All rights reserved. He is in Riften and gives you 100 gold everyday after he tells you he'll open a shop. She's supposed to be your girl! She is one of the staffin the Thieves Guild, along with Delvin Mallory, Mercer Frey and Brynjolf. It's because my mod was simple and didn't add the (even unvoiced) dialogues for those NPCs. ReportSave. You're free to marry anyone of any gender or race. While following, the player has access to the full follower options: you can have them wait, access their inventory, ask them do something, etc. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. No, it's not possible to marry Vex. I know marriage sucks in Skyrim, but at least let me marry someone awesome in my favorite group. Sure there's a few exceptions but you cant marry the best looking ones, like Ingun Black Briar for example. Here are the 20 best Skyrim wives you can marry Aela the huntress. I'm a little disappointed that you can't marry *anyone* in the Thieves' Guild, actually … You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. It's possible to marry Hroki using console commands. Can you marry Vex? This thread is locked. Talyn Firelock Mar 3, 2015 @ 11:48am I did do all his quests last time, because he is funny. Astrid. Founder . Page 4 of 6 - Console command to marry any NPC - posted in General Skyrim Discussion: Vex can't be married or companioned; Lynly can be married, but not companioned. She can be found in the Ragged Flagon in The Ratway under Riften. Vex is one of the Thieves Guild's best infiltrators, with a fierce temper to match. Producing excessive skills in the likes of one-handed, sneak, light-armor, archery and speech make her a great all-rounder. And a Dragonborn wants someone they can … Replied on … There are a few other little gripes that I have about the choices, such as no wood elves or Khajiits who can be married. She will suggest that you can try to, but it may be harder than you would expect: "Sure, but he'll ask for a whole lot. I searched the wikis and all I found is that if I say the wrong thing to her, to come back after a day or two, and then say the right thing. Females. Vex is a member of the Thieves' Guild who handles burglary, heist, and shill jobs. follow me. Here's your essential guide to getting hitched in the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. How to Marry in Skyrim. Vex is a thief and a member of the Thieves Guild in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Image source. © Valve Corporation. I get the feeling that Nexus is a bad word around here, but there's a zip of batch files on there that allow you to marry (almost) anyone, divorce, and make (almost) anyone your follower. Just like the. Can you marry Vex? Yep. I really want to have something more personal than the Interested in me, are you? RELATED: Skyrim: 10 Facts You Didn't Know About Aela The Hunter. Replied on November 17, 2011. In Skyrim, you have the option of marrying an NPC, regardless of race or gender.To do so, you must complete the quest The Bonds of Matrimony, which involves speaking with Maramal about marriage and wearing an Amulet of Mara which signifies that you are available to be married. 0 people found this helpful Subscribe Subscribe Subscribe to RSS feed; Was this discussion helpful? ". If you're an assassin or a thief and you married the Black Briar girl, how cool would that be? http://i704.photobucket.com/albums/ww48/blighboy/fluttershy_shadowfearlarge.gif. This thread is locked. Informations sur votre appareil et sur votre connexion Internet, y compris votre adresse IP, Navigation et recherche lors de l’utilisation des sites Web et applications Verizon Media. But its been a while now, and nothing is popping up on her talk screen, can anyone help? Découvrez comment nous utilisons vos informations dans notre Politique relative à la vie privée et notre Politique relative aux cookies. You can get married in Skyrim! Sorry this didn't help. In Loud and Clear,it is revealedthat Vex failed to infiltrate Goldenglow Estate because the owner hired mercenaries. dragonsreach is the perfect place for your dragon lover Ancarion is made marriable in the mod, but it's no guarantee you can actually marry him. Brynjolf, Sapphire, Vex, seriously anyone in the guild. I may have to accidentally cause a cave in and get Verner out of the way so I can steal his wife away to a life of adventure. You receive one during the Book of Love quest, which you keep when completed.You will not be able to marry anyone until you have spoken to Maramal about marriage, even if you have already obtained an amulet from somewher… Vex. If this isn't what you advanced, replace the "TGRSL" in the first command with the quest ID you advanced: Sure you can marry her daughter, Sylgja, but she doesn't seem to have the gumption to get out and explore the world. . Now it doesn’t matter if you want to marry multiple people at once or just make marriage feel better – this is the mod to get. Before the Dragonborn showed up, she failed a job with Delvin Mallory to set an example of the Goldenglow Estate by burning some beehives. You can use the quotes to search for things with a space in the name like "iron dagger". I'm a little disappointed that you can't marry *anyone* in the Thieves' Guild, actually (playing as a female character I wish that Brynjolf or Rune were possibilities). I have bad news for you : i've tried this in the past (you can find my only uploader mod on the nexus for that) to let us marry unique voiced NPC like Frea or Serana and it didn't work at all. If you complete the Darkbrother hood quests, you will see why you cant marry Vex I don't understand, what's the link with the Brotherhood? - posted in Skyrim Mod Requests: So I know its kinda pervy but I dont care since I want to use it for a pervy play through with mods from a different website that shall not be named. For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "You can't marry Vex?! TGRSL is the quest ID for Vex's heist job. Plus he's the guy who recruits you in the first place, he always has faith in you, and always has your back. If you use custom armors and the baseID therefore is hard/impossible to find on the skyrim wikis, then in the console type: help <<"exact name of item">> 4 and then this will give you a list of things in the game with that exact text and show their baseID. Can this game be fun for one kind of casual playthrough? ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I was also disappoint about not being able to marry Vex. There’s a reason Aela is the most popular wife among Skyrim players! For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Can you marry Vex? She's supposed to be your girl! It's too bad that you can't marry Haelga... » Sat Mar 16, 2013 9:50 pm . Everyone's faces are disfigured. If you buy something we may get a small commission at no extra cost to you. and he can be summoned inside buildings if only you could become jarl of whiterun. Haha Most of the woman you can marry are ugly man. Your one true love is a murderer. Up vote (0) Brilliant Sleex. Long story short, these are the console commands (~) you can use to fix it (fixed it for me at least). And a Dragonborn wants someone they can return to at the end of the day. How to make the guards to stop attacking me. She is affectionately known as "our little Vex" by Delvin and Brynjolf. Never-ending adventures can get exhausting. ASDFKL;SD why won't you let me marry anyone in the thieves guild, Skyrim?! I want to marry her and have her as a companion, but what do I have to do? Yes No. If you're not marrying Aela, you're doing it wrong. View Entire Discussion (5 Comments) More posts from the skyrim community. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. Page 4 of 6 - Console command to marry any NPC - posted in General Skyrim Discussion: Vex can't be married or companioned; Lynly can be married, but not companioned. From her and have her as a guest the `` Interested in me, are you ''... Like'Is that the amulet of Mara guarantee you can marry Aela the huntress probably on the 360. @ 11:48am i did not use the console command like in real life, you 're an or! Informations dans notre Politique relative à la vie privée message board topic titled `` can you marry Vex, anyone..., along with Delvin Mallory, Mercer Frey are asking him to betray Mercer Frey and Brynjolf to attacking... Was simple and did n't add the ( even unvoiced ) dialogues for those.. 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