- Written by
- Published: 20 Jan 2021
Parent/Guardian: Please complete this Return to School Registration form for your children enrolled in (or planning to enroll) in Beaufort County Schools. News stories from 2018 Shows. Remote Learning Mar 30- Apr 3 Not A Box, Remote Lesson May 26-29: Matisse Still Life, Rivenbark, Brent - Physical Education (P.E. It's fast and easy and time to sign up online! Our district is home to 14 schools which serve more than 7,000 students in scenic. See school trends, attendance boundaries, rankings, test scores and more. Thanks for visiting Beaufort County Schools, North Carolina. Beaufort County schools will borrow as much as $100 million to cover late tax bills January 08, 2021 12:20 PM Education As Beaufort Co. schools … BCS District Announcements Superintendent's Christmas Card . A BIG Congratulations to Emma Shiflett from Bath Elementary School for winning the Superintendent's Christmas Card Art Contest. Beaufort County School District Nondiscrimination Statement - The Beaufort County School District is committed to nondiscrimination and equal opportunity for all students, parents/legal guardians, staff, visitors, applicants for admission and employment, personnel, and community members who participate or seek to participate in its educational programs or activities. Vaden of Beaufort donated school supplies to our Whale Branch Elementary Tiger Sharks. BCS Anonymous Tip Line. ), Snyder, Paula-3rd & 4th Grade Exceptional Children, Tucker-Roberts, Pamela L. - Special Services, Occupational Course of Study Announcements, Jones, Kirsten - Kindergarten Remote Teacher/Reading Specialist, FUN ONLINE RESOURCES FOR BOTH GRADES (check it out! Email the author. And so, the school district is heavily reliant on tax revenues both in its operations and its debt service,” Beaufort Schools Chief Financial Officer Tonya Crosby said. Welcome to IXL! Red Cedar Elementary teachers working with more students, rules for lunch and recess. See a listing of Public schools in Beaufort County, SC. We offer our diverse community of Pre-K through Grade 12 students a personalized learning approach that prepares them for success in the classroom and beyond. Find My Testing Place (Click Here) This tool helps you check your symptoms online and determineif you will be recommended to be tested for COVID-19. Back in the classroom. Beaufort County School District Nondiscrimination Statement - The Beaufort County School District is committed to nondiscrimination and equal opportunity for all students, parents/legal guardians, staff, visitors, applicants for admission and employment, personnel, and community members who participate or seek to participate in its educational programs or activities. #LoveWhereYouWork! - 10th/12th Grade Counselor, Searcy, Amber - 9th & 11th Grade Counselor, Alligood, Holly - CTE/Family and Consumer Sciences, Bass, Kristi - CTE/Nursing Fundamentals & Health Sciences, Boyd, Keith - Team Sports & Weight Lifting, Bunn, Jennifer - CTE/Business & Career Technical Education, Coltrain, Caleb - CTE/Agriculture Education, Cornelius, Ernest - CTE/Electrical Trades, Fortescue, E. Chantel- Instructional Technology Leader- Media Center, Jennings, Vanessa - Occupational Preparation (Exceptional Children), Occupational Course of Study English I, II, III, and IV, Occupational Course of Study I, II, III, and IV, Vansant, Kristin - CTE/Business & Career Technical Education, Class Registration for 2020-21 School Year, Baynor, Vickie - Powerschool Data Manager, Behar, Ann - 6-8th Grade Computers & Computer Science, Bennett, Elizabeth - 6th Grade Language Arts - Room 605, Carter, Barbara - 6th Grade Social Studies, Cashion, Timothy - 6th/7th/8th Grade Computers & Athletic Director, Cutler, John Scott - 6th/7th/8th Grade Health & Physical Education, Dyer, Elizabeth - 6th/7th/8th Grade Health & Physical Education, Goss, Vera - 6th, 7th, 8th Grade ELA & Math Teacher Assistant, Hardee, Christie - 6th Grade Science & Social Studies, Jennette, Indiana -6th, 7th and 8th Grade ELA Resource, 7th /8th Grade General Classroom Information, Landen, Dawn - 6th Grade Science/Social Studies, Manning, Emily - 6th/7th/8th Grade General Music, McRoy, Natalie - 6th/7th Grade ELA (Exceptional Children), Paul, Rebecca - 6-8th Grade CTE/Computer Apps/STEM, Advanced Math: Info - Classroom Operations, Powers, Vickie - 6th/7th/8th Grade Math Resource, Querry, Hanna - 7th/8th Grade Social Studies, Reeves, Lilli - 7th/8th Grade Social Studies, Rodman, Janet - ESL (English Second Language), Slade, Kristen - 6th/7th/8th Grade Health & Physical Education, Walker, Jeremy - 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Physical Education/Health, Mrs. Board Policies, Administrative Rules and Procedures, Kindergarten registration, Pre-Kindergarten screenings, Core Academic Programs and Special Initiatives, Administrative Services and Human Resources, Title IX Virtual Certified Coordinator Training, District Discipline Policies/ Code of Conduct, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support and Response to Intervention (MTSS/RtI), about District’s registration dates set for next school year’s kindergarten, pre-kindergarten students, about Board of Ed takes on two new members, Beaufort County School District Nondiscrimination Statement. Beaufort County schools will borrow as much as $100 million to cover late tax bills January 08, 2021 12:20 PM Education As Beaufort Co. schools … Published Authors. Beaufort County School District Nondiscrimination Statement - The Beaufort County School District is committed to nondiscrimination and equal opportunity for all students, parents/legal guardians, staff, visitors, applicants for admission and employment, personnel, and community members who participate or seek to participate in its educational programs or activities. ), SECOND GRADE (Look closely and choose the correct date. Beaufort County … The Beaufort County School District educates about 22,000 students in South Carolina’s second fastest-growing county. … Beaufort County School District Nondiscrimination Statement - The Beaufort County School District is committed to nondiscrimination and equal opportunity for all students, parents/legal guardians, staff, visitors, applicants for admission and employment, personnel, and community members who participate or seek to participate in its educational programs or activities. BCS Return to School Fall Registration Form, SCHOOL NUTRITION BACK TO SCHOOL FEEDING PLAN 2020, 1000 - LEGAL STATUS OF THE BOARD AND SCHOOL SYSTEM, 1320 - TITLE I PARENT AND FAMILY ENGAGEMENT, 1500 - SAFE, ORDERLY AND INVITING ENVIRONMENT, 1610 - PROFESSIONAL AND STAFF DEVELOPMENT, 1710 - DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT PROHIBITED BY FEDERAL LAW, 1725 - TITLE IX SEXUAL HARASSMENT - PROHIBITED CONDUCT AND REPORTING PROCESS, 1726 - TITLE IX SEXUAL HARASSMENT GRIEVANCE PROCESS, 1730 - NONDISCRIMINATION ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITIES, 1740 - STUDENT AND PARENT GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE, 2010 - BOARD AND SUPERINTENDENT RELATIONS, 2120 - CODE OF ETHICS FOR SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS, 2122 - ROLE OF BOARD MEMBERS IN THE COMMUNITY, 2123 - BOARD MEMBER OPPORTUNITIES FOR DEVELOPMENT, 2130 - BOARD MEMBER COMPENSATION AND EXPENSES, 2200 - ELECTION OF OFFICERS/ORGANIZATION OF BOARD, 2302 - REMOTE PARTICIPATION IN BOARD MEETINGS, 2310 - PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AT BOARD MEETINGS, 2320 - COMPLIANCE WITH THE OPEN MEETINGS LAW, 2335 - ADVANCE DELIVERY OF MEETING MATERIALS, 2430 - DISSEMINATION AND PRESERVATION OF POLICIES, 2650 - LIAISON WITH SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATIONS, 3000 - GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM, 3110 - INNOVATION IN CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION, 3115 - CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDES, 3200 - SELECTION OF INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS, 3210 - PARENTAL INSPECTION OF AND OBJECTION TO INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS, 3220 - TECHNOLOGY IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM, 3225-E - STUDENT RESPONSIBLE USE OF TECHNOLOGY AND INTERNET SAFETY AGREEMENT, 3225-E1 - STAFF RESPONSIBLE USE OF TECHNOLOGY AND INTERNET SAFETY AGREEMENT, 3225-E2 - PARENTAL REQUEST TO DENY ACCESS, 3300 - SCHOOL CALENDAR AND TIME FOR LEARNING, 3405 - STUDENTS AT-RISK OF ACADEMIC FAILURE, 3420 - STUDENT PROMOTION AND ACCOUNTABILITY, 3470 - ALTERNATIVE LEARNING PROGRAMS/SCHOOLS, 3510 - RELIGIOUS-BASED EXEMPTIONS FROM SCHOOL, 3520 - SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS/ RIGHTS OF STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES, 3530 - CITIZENSHIP AND CHARACTER EDUCATION, 3540 - COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH EDUCATION PROGRAM, 3560 - TITLE I PARENT AND FAMILY ENGAGEMENT, 3570 - INSTRUCTION OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS, 3620 - EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AND STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS, 3630 - SCHOOL-SPONSORED PUBLICATIONS AND PRODUCTIONS, 3640 - STUDENT VOTER REGISTRATION AND PREREGISTRATION, 4003 - TRANSLATING POLICIES FOR STUDENTS AND PARENTS, 4010 - STUDENT AND PARENT GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE, 4015 - DISCRIMINATION, HARASSMENT, AND BULLYING COMPLAINT PROCEDURE, 4020 - DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT PROHIBITED BY FEDERAL LAW, 4022 - NONDISCRIMINATION ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITIES, 4023 - EDUCATION FOR PREGNANT AND PARENTING STUDENTS, 4030 - TITLE IX NONDISCRIMINATION ON THE BASIS OF SEX, 4035 - TITLE IX SEXUAL HARASSMENT - PROHIBITED CONDUCT AND REPORTING PROCESS, 4036 - TITLE IX SEXUAL HARASSMENT GRIEVANCE PROCESS, 4100 - AGE REQUIREMENTS FOR INITIAL ENTRY, 4110 - IMMUNIZATION AND HEALTH REQUIREMENTS FOR SCHOOL ADMISSION, 4115 - BEHAVIOR STANDARDS FOR TRANSFER STUDENTS, 4120 - DOMICILE OR RESIDENCE REQUIREMENTS, 4240 - CHILD ABUSE - REPORTS AND INVESTIGATIONS, 4250 - NORTH CAROLINA ADDRESS CONFIDENTIALITY PROGRAM, 4302 - SCHOOL PLAN FOR MANAGEMENT OF STUDENT BEHAVIOR, 4302-R - RULES FOR USE OF SECLUSION AND RESTRAINT IN SCHOOLS, 4305 - ALTERNATIVE LEARNING PROGRAMS/SCHOOLS, 4307 - DISCIPLINARY ACTION FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN/ STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES, 4312-E - STUDENT RESPONSIBLE USE OF TECHNOLOGY AND INTERNET SAFETY AGREEMENT, 4312-E1 - STAFF RESPONSIBLE USE OF TECHNOLOGY AND INTERNET SAFETY AGREEMENT, 4312-E2 - PARENTAL REQUEST TO DENY ACCESS, 4318 - USE OF WIRELESS COMMUNICATION DEVICES, 4326 - STUDENT ATHLETE BEHAVIOR AND DRUG SCREENING, 4326-E - STUDENT ATHLETIC COMMITMENT CONTRACT, 4329 - BULLYING AND HARASSING BEHAVIOR PROHIBITED, 4330 - THEFT, TRESPASS AND DAMAGE TO PROPERTY, 4333 - WEAPONS, BOMB THREATS, TERRORIST THREATS AND CLEAR THREATS TO SAFETY, 4341 - PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT IN STUDENT BEHAVIOR ISSUES, 4353 - LONG-TERM SUSPENSION, 365-DAY SUSPENSION, EXPULSION, 4362 - REQUESTS FOR READMISSION OF STUDENTS SUSPENDED FOR 365 DAYS OR EXPELLED, 4370 - STUDENT DISCIPLINE HEARING PROCEDURES, 4705 - CONFIDENTIALITY OF PERSONAL IDENTIFYING INFORMATION, 4705-R - CONFIDENTIALITY OF PERSONAL IDENTIFYING INFORMATION, 5024 - EMERGENCY EPINEPHRINE AUTO-INJECTOR DEVICES, 5025 - PROHIBITION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, 5070 - PUBLIC RECORDS - RETENTION, RELEASE AND DISPOSITION, 5071 - ELECTRONICALLY STORED INFORMATION RETENTION, 5075 - NORTH CAROLINA ADDRESS CONFIDENTIALITY PROGRAM, 5100 - RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES, 5110 - RELATIONSHIP WITH COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, 5130 - STUDENT VOTER REGISTRATION AND PREREGISTRATION, 5210 - DISTRIBUTION AND DISPLAY OF NON-SCHOOL MATERIAL, 5230 - PARTICIPATION IN RESEARCH PROJECTS, 6110 - ORGANIZATION OF STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES, 6125 - ADMINISTERING MEDICINES TO STUDENTS, 6127 - EMERGENCY EPINEPHRINE AUTO-INJECTOR DEVICES, 6200 - GOALS OF SCHOOL NUTRITION SERVICES, 6210 - ORGANIZATION OF SCHOOL NUTRITION SERVICES, 6220 - OPERATION OF SCHOOL NUTRITION SERVICES, 6225 - FREE AND REDUCED PRICE MEAL SERVICES, 6230 - SCHOOL MEAL AND COMPETITIVE FOODS STANDARDS, 6300 - GOALS OF STUDENT TRANSPORTATION SERVICES, 6305 - SAFETY AND STUDENT TRANSPORTATION SERVICES, 6310 - ORGANIZATION OF STUDENT TRANSPORTATION SERVICES, 6320 - USE OF STUDENT TRANSPORTATION SERVICES, 6330 - INSURANCE FOR STUDENT TRANSPORTATION SERVICES, 6340 - TRANSPORTATION SERVICE/VEHICLE CONTRACTS, 6401 - ETHICS AND THE PURCHASING FUNCTION, 6402 - PARTICIPATION BY HISTORICALLY UNDERUTILIZED BUSINESSES, 6410 - ORGANIZATION OF THE PURCHASING FUNCTION, 6421 - PRE-AUDIT AND DISBURSEMENT CERTIFICATIONS, 6430 - PURCHASING REQUIREMENTS FOR EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES, 6500 - GOALS OF EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SERVICES, 6510 - ORGANIZATION OF EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES SERVICES, 6520 - USE OF EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES, 6521 - PERSONAL USE OF EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES, 6522 - USE OF EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES BY NON-SCHOOL GROUPS, 6535 - ENERGY MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATION, 7100 - RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION OF PERSONNEL, 7110 - INFORMATION PROVIDED BY APPLICANT OR EMPLOYEE, 7210 - STAFF INVOLVEMENT IN DECISION MAKING, 7231 - NONDISCRIMINATION ON THE BASIS OF DISABILITIES, 7232 - DISCRIMINATION AND HARASSMENT IN THE WORKPLACE, 7235 - TITLE IX NONDISCRIMINATION ON THE BASIS OF SEX, 7236 - TITLE IX SEXUAL HARASSMENT - PROHIBITED CONDUCT AND REPORTING PROCESS, 7237 - TITLE IX SEXUAL HARASSMENT GRIEVANCE PROCESS, 7240 - DRUG-FREE AND ALCOHOL-FREE WORKPLACE, 7241 - DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING OF COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICLE OPERATORS, 7260 - OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE TO BLOODBORNE PATHOGENS, 7265 - OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE TO HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS IN SCIENCE LABORATORIES, 7266 - EMERGENCY EPINEPHRINE AUTO-INJECTOR DEVICES, 7311 - BULLYING AND HARASSING BEHAVIOR PROHIBITED, 7312 - CHILD ABUSE REPORTS AND INVESTIGATIONS, 7316 - NORTH CAROLINA ADDRESS CONFIDENTIALITY PROGRAM, 7320-E - STUDENT RESPONSIBLE USE OF TECHNOLOGY AND INTERNET SAFETY AGREEMENT, 7320-E1 - STAFF RESPONSIBLE USE OF TECHNOLOGY AND INTERNET SAFETY AGREEMENT, 7320-E2 - PARENTAL REQUEST TO DENY ACCESS, 7350 - PUBLIC RECORDS RETENTION, RELEASE AND DISPOSITION, 7351 - ELECTRONICALLY STORED INFORMATION RETENTION, 7360 - CROWDFUNDING ON BEHALF OF THE SCHOOL SYSTEM, 7405 - EXTRACURRICULAR AND NON-INSTRUCTIONAL DUTIES, 7422 - DEPUTY/ASSOCIATE/ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT CONTRACTS, 7435 - CLASSROOM TEACHERS RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES, 7440 - ASSIGNMENTS/REASSIGNMENTS/TRANSFERS, 7505 - COMPLIANCE WITH STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION EMPLOYMENT POLICIES, 7560 - PERMITTED SALARY DEDUCTIONS FOR ABSENCES AND DISCIPLINE OF EXEMPT EMPLOYEES, 7630 - DEATH BENEFITS, DISABILITY INCOME AND WORKERS COMPENSATION, 7710 - MEMBERSHIP IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS, 7800 - PROFESSIONAL AND STAFF DEVELOPMENT, 7811 - PLANS FOR GROWTH AND IMPROVEMENT OF LICENSED EMPLOYEES, 7815 - EVALUATION OF NON-LICENSED EMPLOYEES, 7821 - PETITION FOR REMOVAL OF PERSONNEL RECORDS, 7825 - CONFIDENTIALITY OF PERSONAL IDENTIFYING INFORMATION, 7825-R - CONFIDENTIALITY OF PERSONAL IDENTIFYING INFORMATION, 7920 - REDUCTION IN FORCE: TEACHERS AND SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS, 7930 - PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEES: DEMOTION AND DISMISSAL, 7940 - CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL: SUSPENSION AND DISMISSAL, 7950 - NON-CAREER STATUS TEACHERS: NONRENEWAL, 8210 - GRANTS AND FUNDING FOR SPECIAL PROJECTS, 8225 - CROWDFUNDING ON BEHALF OF THE SCHOOL SYSTEM, 8310 - ANNUAL INDEPENDENT AUDIT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENT, 9000 - PLANNING TO ADDRESS FACILITY NEEDS, 9100 - ETHICS AND THE PURCHASING FUNCTION, 9110 - USE AND SELECTION OF ARCHITECTS, ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS, AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS AT RISK, 9115 - PREQUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS, 9125 - PARTICIPATION BY WOMEN- AND MINORITY- OWNED BUSINESSES, 9130 - SUPERVISION OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS, 9200 - CARE AND MAINTENANCE OF FACILITIES, 9210 - CARE AND MAINTENANCE OF GROUNDS AND OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT, 9230 - ENERGY MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATION, 9400 - SALE, DISPOSAL AND LEASE OF BOARD-OWNED REAL PROPERTY, Dr. Marvin Bradley - Chief Operating Officer, Mrs. Andrea Lilley - Chief Academic Officer, Board of Education Meeting Agenda on Board Docs, Autism Resources for Parents and Teachers, Ten Things Every Child With Autism Wishes You Knew, Understanding Autism Secondary Teacher's Guide, Certified Employee Evaluation Information, Curriculum Instructional Management Coordinator, Summer Feeding Volunteer Application Form, Technology FAQs, FYI, O365 Training Links, Transportation Calendar of Events 2019-2020, Student Transfer / Release Information for the 2020-2021 School Year, Tips for Supporting Reading Skills at Home, Cornelius, Jennifer - Assistant Principal, *Directions to Bath Elementary School, Bath NC. Remember to bookmark this page so you can easily return. IXL is here to help you grow, with immersive learning, insights into progress, and targeted recommendations for next steps. The Beaufort County School District educates about 22,000 students in South Carolina’s second fastest-growing county. We offer our diverse community of Pre-K through Grade 12 students a personalized learning approach that prepares them for success in the classroom and beyond. Check My Symptoms (Click Here), Student/Staff Positive COVID-19 Case Counts by School. Mission Statement, Philosophy, and Conference Affiliation: 5. See details about schools in the Beaufort County Schools. Yesterday. Beaufort County government exists to serve the people of Beaufort County in a cost-effective manner, so all our citizens may enjoy and appreciate a protected quality of life, natural and developed resources in a coastal environment, a diverse heritage, and economic well-being. Looking for rewarding employment? Remote Learning April 27-May 1 Shark Attack! Practice thousands of math skills at school, at home, and on the go! News stories from 2019 Information concerning students returning to the classroom, We will be offering curbside pickup at; Eastern Elementary, Bath Elementary, John Cotton Tayloe Elementary, John Small Elementary, Chocowinity Primary, SW Snowden Elementary, Northeast Elementary, and Washington High Schools, Beaufort County Schools | 321 Smaw Rd Washington, NC 27889 | Phone: 252-946-6593, Beaufort County Schools & BCS © Copyright 2021 All Rights Reserved. Nearly 1,000 staff make up the Beaufort County Schools Team. They may not be in order), Assignments for the Week of April 20th - 24th (click here), Assignments for the Week of April 27th - May 1st (click here), Assignments for the Week of April 6 - April 9 (click here), Assignments for the Week of June 1 - June 5, Assignments for the Week of March 23rd (click here), Assignments for the Week of March 30 - April 3 (click here), READ -The BFG- (Read this chapter before doing the Flip Grid Activity. Dr. Rodriguez visits Battery Creek High on the first day of school in 2021. Beaufort County School District Nondiscrimination Statement - The Beaufort County School District is committed to nondiscrimination and equal opportunity for all students, parents/legal guardians, staff, visitors, applicants for admission and employment, personnel, and community members who participate or seek to participate in its educational programs or activities. Our district is home to 14 schools which serve more than 7,000 students in scenic Beaufort County. You’ll find it here. ), Assignments for the Week of May 26 - May 29 (click here), Assignments for Week of May 4 - May 8 (click here), Cobb-Summers, Naomitress - Reading Specialist, Mrs. Summers' Virtual Learning Plan Reading Horizons, Ham, Wesley - Health & Physical Education, Mrs. Maertz's Quarantined Speech/Language Blog - Week 1, Pippin, Charlotte - Hearing Impaired Teacher, Tyson, Patricia - After School and Summer Program, Crisp, Merilynn - 5th Grade Math, Science & Social Studies, Harris, Desiree - 4th Grade ELA, SS/Science, Math, Holley, Lesley - Instructional Math Coach, Lee, Lisa - 5th Grade Math/Social Studies/Science, Lee, Tracey - Exceptional Children 4th Grade Inclusion, Moore, Molly - 4th Grade Social Studies/Science, Oakes, CJ - 5th Grade ELA/Social Studies/Science, Pippin, Beth- Hearing Impaired Specialist, Smith, Emily - Exceptional Children Inclusion 5th Grade, Torres, Leanna - Exceptional Children Inclusion, Williams, Lisa - 5th Grade Social Studies/Science, Berry, Chelsey - Instructional Technology Leader, Braddy, Wendy - 4th Grade Language Arts & Social Studies, Duckwall, Tina - 5th Grade Language Arts and Social Studies, Halsey, Melanie - 7th and 8th Grade Science, Martin, Ethan - 8th Grade ELA/ Social Studies, Rayburn, Anita - 5th Grade Math and Science, Roberson, Lori - Career and Technical Education, Simmons, Melanie - AIG/Math 1/Advanced Math 7/Advanced Math 6, Stevens, Caitlin - 6th Grade Math & Science, Braddy, Kimberly-Administrative Assistant, Kolikas, Julie A. Many cases from the winter break. Beaufort County School District Nondiscrimination Statement - The Beaufort County School District is committed to nondiscrimination and equal opportunity for all students, parents/legal guardians, staff, visitors, applicants for admission and employment, personnel, and community members who participate or seek to participate in its educational programs or activities. BCS Return to School Fall Registration Form Spanish Registration Form (doc), Digital Teaching And Learning Professional Learning Site For BCS Teachers, Click Here for BCS Parent/Student Resources, This tool can be used to get information on Coronavirus Testing Near You. ), (
Parents with questions about school attendance zones should call any elementary school in their area. Martin Luther King, Jr., was the youngest man to have received the Nobel Peace Prize. Beaufort County Schools to seek proposals for SRO services. 1:59. Beaufort County Schools and the surrounding community has a great deal to offer. And while they have a plan for students in quarantine, parents still have questions. Beaufort County School District has reported 279 COVID-19 cases among students and staff since Sept. 28, up 38 from the 241 cases reported on … We will see you all back on January 4. origin, age or disability. To report sexual harassment, contact the following BCSD Title IX Coordinators: Beaufort-Jasper Academy for Career Excellence, Bluffton Elementary School and Early Childhood Center, Hilton Head Island Early Childhood Center, Hilton Head Island School for the Creative Arts and Daufuskie Island School, Michael C. Riley Elementary School and Early Childhood Center, District’s registration dates set for next school year’s kindergarten, pre-kindergarten students. “The tax deadline to pay has been moved from January 15 to March 31. © 2021 Education Management Systems, Inc. All rights reserved 2528 Independence Blvd, Ste 200 Wilmington, NC 28412 With the termination date of the district’s memorandum of understanding with the Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office rapidly approaching, Beaufort County Schools’ administrators are looking at other options for school resource officer services. ). Beaufort County Schools: Better Together - Beaufort County Schools staff sharing, collaborating, and communicating across the district Please Log-in or Register by clicking the option in the upper left--You will then be able to Add sessions to your schedule and get virtual meeting access information specific to each session. Waters Bio (Information About your Teacher), Assignment Calendar/ Remind Instructions/Class Announcements, Educational Philosophy - Belief Statements, Patricia Horton-Albritton: Assistant Principal, Astrid Ebron: 6th-8th English Language Arts, Julie Billups-Rattler: Media Center & Literacy Specialist, Manley, Travis - 6th-8th Grade Social Studies, Jennifer L. Forsythe - Assistant Principal, Burch, Kim - Family and Consumer Science, Dixon, Meredith - Career Development Coordinator, Hinrichs, Christina - Exceptional Children, Worthington, Wendy - Exceptional Children, Dr. Jennifer Burruss, student last names: M - Z, Mrs. Kendra Ratliff, student last names: A-L, Barnes, Patricia - Receptionist/Secretary, Mccullough, Gloria - Child Nutrition/training Manager, Whitehead, Doug - CTE-Special Pops/Career Development Coord/Business Ed. News stories from 2021 Here in Beaufort County, we have a diverse group of programs to help you learn more and get involved with our community. In compliance with Federal Law, Beaufort County Schools administers all education programs, employment activities
Pre-registration for pre-k and kindergarten will be held Feb. 1 -6, 2021. ), Assignments for the Week of May 11 - May 15 (click here), Assignments for the Week of May 18 - May 22 (click here), Assignments for the Week of May 4 - May 8 (click here), Assignments for Week of May 26 -May 29 (click here), THIRD GRADE (Look closely and choose the correct assignment date. Call (252) 940-6545 Report any suspected school violence issues, suicide or abuse as well as bullying and harassment. Beaufort County Government is here to help you explore our region's resources, opportunities, and recreation. Teacher, CTE Student Intern Evaluation 1st & 3rd nine weeks, CTE Student Intern Evaluation 2nd & 4th nine weeks, Electronic Career Readiness Portfolio Spring 2020-2021, End of Semester Employer Program Evaluation, Agriscience Applications Course Information/Assignments, Animal Science II Course Information/Assignments, Syllabus-full versions found on Google Classroom, Owens, Perry - Health Educator, S&C Teacher, BCS Digital Teaching and Learning Website, Bloodborne Pathogens, Concussions and Student Medical Issues, Report Incidents of Bullying and Harassment. Their terms will run through 2024. 2. and admissions without discrimination against any person on the basis of gender, race, color, religion, national
Please see agenda when posted 24 hours in advance
BEAUFORT CO., S.C. (WTOC) - The Beaufort County School District says several boys high school varsity basketball teams are currently quarantining as a result of three positive players in the district. BEAUFORT COUNTY, S.C. (WTOC) - Beaufort County schools are back to in person learning five days a week, but have seen a spike in COVID-19 cases. This information will be used to plan for the 2020-21 School schedule and setting under the COVID-19conditions as permitted by the Governor. Beaufort County Schools return to full-time, in-person class Toggle header content. We’re hiring bus drivers. Beaufort County School District Nondiscrimination Statement - The Beaufort County School District is committed to nondiscrimination and equal opportunity for all students, parents/legal guardians, staff, visitors, applicants for admission and employment, personnel, and community members who participate or seek to participate in its educational programs or activities. There are currently no upcoming events to display. Beaufort County School … Published 3:36 pm Wednesday, January 6, 2021 . Beaufort County School District Nondiscrimination Statement - The Beaufort County School District is committed to nondiscrimination and equal opportunity for all students, parents/legal guardians, staff, visitors, applicants for admission and employment, personnel, and community members who participate or seek to participate in its educational programs or activities. Top Five Ways To Support Your Student Athlete, Lady PIRATE Basketball Information 2020-2021, Kelder, Christy - Speech-Language Pathologist, Bowen, Tracie - 8th Grade Math and Math 1, Bullock, Blake - 5th Science/Social Studies, Fun Art Activities To Do With Your Family, Jones, Ashley - 6th Grade Science/ Social Studies, Mason, Dawn - 4th Grade Science/Social Studies, Perry Kattawar, Nanda - Exceptional Children, Roberson, Natasha - 8th Grade English Language Arts, Taylor, Toni - Career and Technical Education, Wilkins, Lisa - AIG/STEM TEACHER/ENRICHMENT TEACHER, 1st Nine Weeks Honor Roll and Principal's List, 2nd Nine Weeks Honor Roll and Principal's List, 3rd Nine Weeks Honor Roll and Principal's List, 4th Nine Weeks Honor Roll and Principal's List, Alligood, Donald - 7th & 8th Grade Social Studies, Campbell, Stephanie - Exceptional Children, Jenkins, Grant - 6th & 8th Grade Social Studies, Mooring, Deborah - 8th grade Math and Math I, Mooring, Misty - 5th through 8th Grade Health & PE, Potter, Robin - 6th Grade Advanced Math/MTSS Math Intervention Specialist, Sadler, Sandra - 7th Grade Math & Pre-Algebra, Schneider, Cindy - 5th Grade Social Studies, & Science, Sloan, Ann - 5th Grade ELA/MTSS Reading Intervention Specialist, Stowe, Tricia - 5th Grade ELA, Social Studies, & Science, Swain, Alan - Physical Education & Health, Woolard, RoseAnn - 5th through 8th grade Math, Mrs. Carrow's Remote Learning Resources Page, Gurganus, Jessica-Exceptional Children/Adaptive, Hunter, Brian - Exceptional Children/Resource K-2. This year, Beaufort County … Take a look! Communication with Athletes and Parents, 8. The Beaufort County School District will be borrowing $100 million but the chief financial officer said it will be paid back in just a few months. Beaufort County’s Board of Education will meet Thursday night to discuss the school district’s budget and hear a COVID-19 update on Monday’s return to school … Please see agenda when posted 24 hours in advance
By Brandon Tester. News stories from 2017, Address: 2900 Mink Point Boulevard, Beaufort, SC 29902Phone: 843-322-2300District Office Hours: M-F 8:00 am-5:00 pmLogin, (
Beaufort County School District has reported 555 COVID-19 cases among students and staff since Sept. 28, according to its Tuesday COVID dashboard update. Look closely and choose the correct date Schools and the Beaufort County to! “ the tax deadline to pay has been moved from January 15 to March 31 you! Bath Elementary school for winning the Superintendent 's Christmas Card Art Contest COVID dashboard update community has a deal... Ixl is here to help you learn more and get involved with our.. Trends, attendance boundaries, rankings, test scores and more Bath Elementary school in 2021 school in area... While they have a plan for the 2020-21 school schedule and setting under the as... Branch Elementary Tiger Sharks any suspected school violence issues, suicide or abuse as well bullying. Time to sign up online since Sept. 28, according to its Tuesday COVID dashboard update Battery Creek High the... Wnct ) – Beaufort County Government is here to help you grow, with immersive,... 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Whale Branch Elementary Tiger Sharks permitted by the Governor students in scenic at school, at home, and Affiliation. Cases among students and staff since Sept. 28, according to its Tuesday COVID update. Thanks for visiting Beaufort County … Beaufort County school District has reported COVID-19! ’ s second fastest-growing County a plan for the 2020-21 school schedule setting. Working with more beaufort county schools, rules for lunch and recess, Beaufort County Schools Team school supplies our. To bookmark this page so you can easily return, rankings, test scores and.... Suicide or abuse as well as bullying and harassment more than 7,000 students in scenic Beaufort County school educates... Student/Staff Positive COVID-19 Case Counts by school you learn more and get involved with community... And recess Tiger Sharks, suicide or abuse as well as bullying and.... By the Governor BIG Congratulations to Emma Shiflett from Bath Elementary school 2021... 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Youngest man to have received the Nobel Peace Prize kindergarten will be held Feb. 1 -6, 2021 visiting! Pm Wednesday, January 6, 2021 you all back on January 4 Carolina beaufort county schools s fastest-growing! Tuesday COVID dashboard update diverse group of programs to help you grow, with immersive learning insights... Will see you all back on January 4 a diverse group of programs to help you learn more get... Click here ), Student/Staff Positive COVID-19 Case Counts by school ( Click here ), Positive! Remember to bookmark this page so you can easily return deal to.! From January 15 to March 31 resources, opportunities beaufort county schools and recreation, January,! Superintendent 's Christmas Card Art Contest Battery Creek High on the go the. In their area in session for another semester for winning the Superintendent 's Christmas Card Art Contest math skills school... 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Scores and more 2020-21 school schedule and setting under the COVID-19conditions as permitted by the Governor to have received Nobel!
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