- Written by
- Published: 20 Jan 2021
This is my take on a Gore presidency, though I do warn you all, there will be some twists you may not expect later on down the road. What if Grand Theft Auto III was never released? Discussion. I should’ve add anything after 2002 not to be talked about To be fair that was about 2011, well before... alternatehistory.com Menu. The United States of America's entry into WWI on behalf of Germany was arguably one of the most influential events in the whole conflict, and later influenced world history. One part of history that has always really interested me is the Great War. Post … Users Viewing; 0 Staff, 0 Members, 1 Guest. Robert Conroy's Red Inferno , for example, is a novel in form but addresses primarily a war between the Soviet Union and the western Allies in 1945. JavaScript is disabled. General discussion about alternate history scenarios where the divergence from real history happens from 1900 AD onward. All; None ... On This Board; You can create threads. Alternate History: After 1900 AD. AlternateHistory.com One of the oldest alternate history discussion boards on the net, and certainly the largest English-language one, AlternateHistory.com hosts vibrant debate allo-historical topics, a Writers' Forum for fiction, fora dedicated to games, media and maps in the genre, as well as lively social and political discussion. While I understand that Germany was most interested in attempting to get Mexican aggression to distract the US from the war in Europe I find it plausible that positive... MAN-MADE HELL: THE HISTORY OF THE GREAT WAR AND BEYOND Stabilzation? Click here to remove banner ads from this forum. To clarify, you don't need an account to read stories in the Before 1900 and After 1900, but to get to the ASB forum and Fandom forum you need an account. Future History. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Saudi Arabia annexes North Yemen POD of 1918, Adolf Hitler In A German WWI Victory Timeline. Alternate History: Politics & Governance. WI: No Russian intervention in the Syrian Civil War, The Sudeten War: History of the World after an Alternate 1938, A Time For Greatness: The Alternate Presidency of John F. Kennedy and beyond, A Hippie in the House of Mouse (Jim Henson at Disney, 1980), Osman Reborn; The Survival of Ottoman Democracy [An Ottoman TL set in the 1900s]. Daimler Benz Panther (VK 30.02) Medium Tank - 1 prototype 1942. Forum Recent Wiki Activity TopContent. A Day in July: An Early 20th Century Timeline. Post "what if" questions and talk about the results. 4 Posts 3 Topics Last post by DuceMoosolini in Trotsky's War pt II on November 12, 2017, 01:18:08 pm Cold War Era (1950 AD - … … What will happen if the coup didn't happen? Some of the add-ons on this site are powered by, AHC: Anarchist victory in the Russian Civil War. Click here to remove banner ads from this forum. Naval what ifs and Neverwhere ships Cabin . That would mean her daughter would become Queen... Hey everyone! Chapter Three: The Sleeping Giants Another coup? Alternate history may be divided into two subgenres: alternate events and alternate settings. Alternate History: After 1900 World War Era (1900 AD - 1949 AD) This is an board of all PODs, WIs, AHCs, TLs and the like discussing the World War Era. Alternate History Discussion Boards. Yet mere decades after Deng Xiaoping's reforms, China has emerged as one of the most formidable nations of our time. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. But what if instead of Queen Elizabeth II bringing that law into place, Queen Victoria did? The Daimler Benz VK 30.02, or the "Alternative panther" as it could have be was a nimble and fast medium (at 35 tons), with roughly the same weight size and mobility than the T-34, but with a far better gun and optics. Threads and Posts Alien Space Bats. Author's Note: That's right, stepping into the Non-Gaming timeline ring! The Daimler Benz VK 30.02, or the "Alternative panther" as it could have be was a nimble and fast medium (at 35 tons), with roughly the same weight size and mobility than the T-34, but with a far better gun and optics. Threads and Posts History unfolded much as it did in our world, except that magic took the place of science. A conflict that has always fascinating me is the Russian Civil War, and this is in no small part due to the diverse array of factions and ideologies that existed alongside the larger Red and White armies. Which Post-1900 Presidential Candidates Could've Surpassed LBJ's Popular Vote Share? ~~Phase Two~~ The Miracle of the Marne: An Entente Victory Scenario, German Involvement in the Americas in a CP Victory Scenario, Man-Made Hell: The History of the Great War and Beyond, Science and Technology In A Modern Nazi Germany, DBAHC: Make the United States Align With the Entente in WWI, Alternate Soviet Union (based on my Hoi4 game). Chapter Five: What Madness is This? 0: 0: No posts have been made on this board. 25: 106: The Worst of All Possible Timelines by spanishspy Feb 8, 2018 6:05:51 GMT: Maps and Graphics. A series of blunders and missed opportunities: a 1930's Armée de l'Air megathread. Miscellaneous >1900 (Alternate) History Thread. It traces the history of a vastly expanded space program, though it does include a disasterous piloted test flight of a NERVA spacecraft that puts a stop to nuclear power in space. Alternate History: Early Modern. Some of the add-ons on this site are powered by. So, to counter the worst alternate history scenarios thread, here's one for good AH. You can create polls. Posted: (14 days ago) Board Threads Posts Last Post; Alternate History - Before 1900. Alternate History - After 1900. Jan 1, 2021 - Explore Super RocketGuy's board "Alternate History", followed by 154 people on Pinterest. Say kerensky pulls out of world war one, which his otl failure to do so turned many to the bolshevik cause. Future History. Alternate history scenarios with a POD between 1700 and 1900 AD. Alternate History: After 1900 AD - 3 Viewing General discussion about alternate history scenarios in general or those found in media with the point of divergence from real history occurring after 1900 … General discussion about alternate history scenarios in general or those found in media with the point of divergence from real history occurring after 1900 AD. Threads and Posts From advanced spacecraft to superheavy tanks, their alleged mastery of engineering is displayed for every consumer of such media to see. 5: 23: The Prussian Incursion of 1807 by spanishspy Jul 31, 2017 22:15:16 GMT: Alternate History - After 1900. 25: 106: The Worst of All Possible Timelines by spanishspy Feb 8, 2018 6:05:51 GMT: Maps and Graphics. Posted: (14 days ago) Board Threads Posts Last Post; Alternate History - Before 1900. 4 Posts 3 Topics Last post by DuceMoosolini in Trotsky's War pt II on November 12, 2017, 01:18:08 pm Cold War Era (1950 AD - … You are using an out of date browser. 5: 23: The Prussian Incursion of 1807 by spanishspy Jul 31, 2017 22:15:16 GMT: Alternate History - After 1900. Daimler Benz Panther (VK 30.02) Medium Tank - 1 prototype 1942. So what if we were to have the first communist revolution fail? All; None ... On This Board; You can create threads. But what if negotiations broke down, and the... Threadmarks: 2000 Election I: Only 1% Off. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Alternate History Discussion. Best "crunchy" TL for me is the classic Spanish-Moroccan War in 2002, since it inspired me to sign up for AH.com.It doesn't hurt that the creator was a good sport and admitted that it wasn't meant to be totally accurate. How accurate is the description of the Naval War in the Atlantic in Tom Clancy's "Red Storm Rising"? 3: 51: Flag Thread I by Danil Nov 7, 2020 13:10:16 GMT For now though, let's be fixated on the man, the myth, the legend himself, Albert Arnold... Otl, to say communism was a big deal is a wee bit of an understatement. 5: 23: The Prussian Incursion of 1807 by spanishspy Jul 31, 2017 22:15:16 GMT: Alternate History - After 1900. What if Ireland joined the Allies in WWII? Alternate History Discussion: After 1900 . So ITTL, Soviets take over Eastern Poland (like in OTL), Turkey, Iran, Finland, AFghanistan, all Arabian province nations (except for kuwait, stupid UK) and Iraq (what i took over in hoi4 before germany attacked). A series of assumptions: a Britwank on a budget? Peaceful partition of Switzerland after 1900? The alternate events subgenre focuses on the changing events themselves. A war? Moderator: Mike Louis. 25: 106: The Worst of All Possible Timelines by spanishspy Feb 8, 2018 6:05:51 GMT: Maps and Graphics. Topics. You can create polls. I've toyed around with Entente victory scenarios in the past, however, as they started to become really popular on this website, I was discouraged from starting yet another timeline where the Entente wins... As you all well know, in 2008, Governor Reginald "Reggie" Fils-Aime of New York was elected President. Alternate History - After 1900. Created during one of AlternateHistory.com's offline periods, this forum can serve as a back-up if you like, or for visitors to here to post. Some of the stories out there are a mixture of the serious and silly , but others are a plausible look at how a few key decisions could have changed the world. Fantasy with an alternate history undercurrent. Forum Rules, Announcements and Feedback. Chapter Two: Peace For Our Time? In 1905, Kaiser Wilhelm II supported Moroccan independence, angering France and Britain, but eventually a diplomatic solution was reached. ~~Phase One~~ This event was a sort-of starting point to the 37 years of war Afghanistan will experience. 3: 51: Flag Thread I by Danil Nov 7, 2020 13:10:16 GMT Forum: Alternate History Discussion: After 1900 DBAHC: Make the United States Align With the Entente in WWI The United States of America's entry into WWI on behalf of Germany was arguably one of the most influential events in the whole conflict, and later influenced world history. JavaScript is disabled. NOT debates about present-day politics. Alternate History: Modern. Since 2013, British succession laws to the Throne have been changed to every first born being the automatic heir no matter what gender the child is. Moderator: Mike Louis. Forum Rules, Announcements and Feedback. Alternate History: After 1900 AD General discussion about alternate history scenarios in general or those found in media with the point of divergence from real history occurring after 1900 AD. Normal Topic Hot Topic (More than 15 replies) Very Hot Topic (More than 25 replies) Locked Topic Sticky Topic Poll Warlord D Thoran Apr 3, 2017 Discussion. NO CURRENT POLITICS!! See more ideas about alternate history, history, fantasy map. Krakozhia (Birth of Krakozhia) Mexico (British Mexico) 1962: The Apocalypse; Ivan Prokofiev (Birth of Krakozhia) Krakozhia (1983: Doomsday) (Birth of Krakozhia) ... Implausable Alternate History Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. ... Forums. Normal Topic Hot Topic (More than 15 replies) Very Hot Topic (More than 25 replies) Locked Topic Sticky Topic Poll This Forum Is Hosted For FREE By ProBoards Get Your Own Free Forum! You must log in or register to post here. Chapter Four: Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité Boldly Going: A History of an American Space Station, Holiday in the Malvinas: A 80s British TL. Alternate History: Before 1900 AD. WI: Wilhelm II was Kaiser of Germany and King of the UK? So when you think of the biggest tyrant in human history. Alternate History: After 1900 AD - 3 Viewing. The former Namco exec-turned Governor is largely credited with the modernization of America's digital infrstructure and the incorporation of the internet into nearly all aspects of daily life... As of recently I've gained a bit of an interest in Imperial German influence in Mexico prior to and during World War One. The 20th Century, even before the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, was full of points for the world to burst. You can reply to threads. 1900s: The relations between the Germanys and the New Roman Empire cool down, for an end of slavery in the latter isn't in sight. WI: USS Washington alone at 2nd Guadalcanal? Users Viewing; 0 Staff, 0 Members, 1 Guest. Examples of alternate history can be found in literature as far back as the 1st century BC; the Roman historian Livy wrote a treatise about what might have happened (Ab Urbe Condita, book 9, chapters 17-19) if Alexander the Great had invaded western Europe rather than the Mideast. You are using an out of date browser. Board Threads Posts Last Post; Alternate History - Before 1900. These stories usually contain "what if" scenarios at crucial points in history and present outcomes other than those in the historical record. Alternate History: After 1900 AD General discussion about alternate history scenarios in general or those found in media with the point of divergence from real history occurring after 1900 AD. Voyage by Stephen Baxter is an alternate history novel where president John F. Kennedy was wounded but not killed in the assasination attempt in 1963. Alternate History Discussion: After 1900 . Forums. It endured years of warlordism, a communist takeover, and a Cultural Revolution that produced carnage, chaos, and national catastrophe. Alternate history is arguably one of the best genres in all of popular entertainment, partly because it relies on the complexity of hard decisions and the consequences that come from them. Alternate history is arguably one of the best genres in all of popular entertainment, partly because it relies on the complexity of hard decisions and the consequences that come from them. Forums. Chapter One: All Because of Two Bullets The 1973 coup overthrew the monarchy, and the king's cousin, Daoud Khan assumed the presidency. 5: 23: The Prussian Incursion of 1807 by spanishspy Jul 31, 2017 22:15:16 GMT: Alternate History - After 1900. Naval what ifs and Neverwhere ships Cabin . Board Threads Posts Last Post; Alternate History - Before 1900. Alternate history scenarios with a POD after 1900 AD. Share with: Link: Copy link. One has to wonder. 0: 0: No posts have been made on this board. Most likely outcome of successful Beer Hall Putsch in Munich? Is it possible to have a peaceful partition of Switzerland after 1900, with the Italian/Romansh areas going to Italy, the French areas to France and German to Germany (or Austria, if its somehow easier)? Some of the stories out there are a mixture of the serious and silly , but others are a plausible look at how a few key decisions could have changed the world. Moderator: lordroel. I encountered this image and wondered if America could've adopted another helmet design during WW1 and perhaps WW2 based on these designs instead of the brodie helmet. Post "what if" questions and talk about the results. 685: 10,000: Rogue Generals: A Different Post-EDSA Uno Philippines TL by TheRomanSlayer Jan 16, 2021 6:12:12 GMT Alternate History Discussion. Replies Views Last post; Mongol Japan Part 6. by TomB1 » 9:05 AM - 5 days ago. Share. 25: 106: The Worst of All Possible Timelines by spanishspy Feb 8, 2018 6:05:51 GMT: Maps and Graphics. It's interesting to think about the tyrants of history and how they might have turned out if circumstances had been different, or if their way of viewing the world hadn't been warped by their circumstances. You can reply to threads. Alternate History: After 1900 AD. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Alternate History: After 1900 AD General discussion about alternate history scenarios in general or those found in media with the point of divergence from real history occurring after 1900 AD. What happens to the great war if the CP are bought... POD of 1918 Make North Yemen be annexed as a Permanent part of Saudi Arabia by 1939 that remains all the way to this alternate present. The French Line TL: SS Normandie survives fire converted into a WW2 troopship. Read the Forum header! Place In the Sun: What If Italy Joined the Central Powers. Throughout World War Two-oriented media, Nazi Germany is depicted as a powerhouse, especially in the fields of science and technology. Alternate History Discussion: After 1900 General discussion about alternate history scenarios where the divergence from real history happens from 1900 AD onward. Alternate history, alternative history (in Commonwealth English), or simply althist, sometimes abbreviated as AH, is a genre of speculative fiction consisting of stories in which one or more historical events occur differently. Alternate History Discussion. This Forum Is Hosted For FREE By ProBoards Get Your Own Free Forum! WI: The Catholic Church Acquires Microsoft? Alternate History: After 1900 World War Era (1900 AD - 1949 AD) This is an board of all PODs, WIs, AHCs, TLs and the like discussing the World War Era. So I saw this flag by Marc Pasquin based on this one by gruff.jones, and it got me thinking, who the hell would become the monarch of Israel? Alternate History: Before 1900 AD. 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