- Written by
- Published: 20 Jan 2021
Faculty Ranking and Demographics The full-time faculty at Palomar College includes 254 instructors - 120 men and 134 women: Please note that faculty rank (e.g. A favorite in the community among local institutions of higher education, Palomar College recently ranked #1 in community colleges in San Diego County in the San Diegos Best of 2016 Readers Poll . M.A. M.A. Business Opportunities. (760) 744-1150 x2339, Sheri Frankfurth (760) 744-1150 ext. Ph.D. University of California, San Diego. Humanities Bldg – Room 301L University of Evansville (IN) 2288 Ph.D. University of California, San Diego. To find out if you are certified, check the Palomar College List of Certified Online Instructors. She is the daughter of Mexican immigrants and a first-generation college student. Learn More About Palomar College Review … Accreditation. Humanities Bldg – Room 301G His work has explored representations of futurity and apocalypse, speculative fiction, and (most importantly) how the humanities inspire creativity, demand discipline, and hone critical thinking. The University of Chicago University of Iowa Professor Hishmeh has served as a member of the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association’s (PAMLA) Executive Committee (2014-2017), and he is the recipient of Palomar’s Faculty Senate Award for Scholarly and Professional Achievement, 2016. Humanities Bldg – Room 301I From an emphasis on form and media, his work touches on aspects of Science and Technology Studies and the Digital Humanities. Whitney. Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany Professor Jenkins is Professor of English and Multicultural Studies at Palomar College in San Marcos, California. 2719 University of California, Riverside San Diego State University 2392 Trevor Van Haute. San Francisco State University, Humanities Bldg – Room 302N (760) 744-1150 ext. crolens@palomar.edu, B.A. 3637 About Palomar College. Professor Lundell is also the co-coordinator of The Palomar College Puente Project and the faculty advisor to the Puente Club. Her travel-related projects include walking several hundred miles along medieval pilgrimage routes in France and Spain and, most recently, traveling around the Mediterranean, mostly on sailing ships, exploring Homer’s Odyssey. Use the charts above to compare faculty compensation and workload at Palomar College versus nearby colleges. Ph.D. Indiana University. From 2000 – 2018, he served as Co-advisor for Bravura, the college’s award-winning literary journal, and he is currently one of the advisors for the English Majors Group. She has recently completed a project relating to the body in place and memory. He has published recently in Journal of Modern Literature and the Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism, and is currently working on a book that shows how modernist fiction anticipates theories of subjectivity that have been attributed to the rise of so-called postmodern theory in the late twentieth-century. Palomar College offers over 200 associates degree and certificate programs to approximately 30,000 full- and part-time students. (760) 744-1150 ext. Ph.D. University of California, San Diego. (760) 744-1150 ext. Professor Versaci has been a member of the English Department at Palomar since 1997. M.A. (760) 744-1150 ext. Contact Information | Legal Notices | Web Accessibility | Privacy Policy, Find the latest Coronavirus (COVID-19) information. cthompson@palomar.edu, B.A. Department Chair Professor Cory’s academic interests include British and Irish literature, literature by women and LGBTQ authors, and poetry. fodoherty@palomar.edu, B.A. Palomar Community College District. San Diego State University Office: H-302B, ext. In her research, she focuses on the early modern British literature and the relationship between literature, politics, and justice. M.A. He has published on Bruce Sterling (Science Fiction Studies), Native American oral literature (Studies in American Indian Literature), Zane Grey (Journal of the Southwest), and other topics. 2379 Humanities Bldg – Room 302H There are over 51 palomar college … 1140 West Mission Road San Marcos, California 92069 (760) 744-1150 Ph.D. Purdue University, Humanities Bldg – Room 301M Palomar College offers over 200 associate’s degree and certificate programs to approximately 30,000 full- and part-time students. Professor Japtok is the author of Growing Up Ethnic: Nationalism and the Bildungsroman in African American and Jewish American Fiction (2005), editor of Postcolonial Perspectives on Women Writers from Africa, the Caribbean, and the U.S. (2003), and, with Professor Rafiki Jenkins, editor of Authentic Blackness/”Real” Blackness: Essays on the Meaning of Blackness in Literature and Culture (2011) and of Human Contradictions in Octavia E. Butler’s Work (2020). University of California, San Diego B.A. Professor Hishmeh’s teaching and research interests include Rhetoric, American Literature, Poetry, and Film and Visual Culture. Staff Directory - Palomar College Best www2.palomar.edu. University of California, Santa Barbara Palomar College offers over 200 associate’s degree and certificate programs to approximately 30,000 full- … University of California, Santa Barbara University of California, Riverside (760) 744-1150 ext. (760) 744-1150 ext. San Diego State University. Ph.D. University of California, Riverside, Humanities Bldg – Room 302J (760) 744-1150 ext. He also runs the Palomar College Great Books Seminar. 3994 Athletic Trainer. Dr. Abbie Cory. 51 palomar college jobs available. Department ADA Humanities Bldg – Room 301J 2287 M.A. 2710 jbackman@palomar.edu, B.A. 2685 Ph.D. University of California, Santa Barbara. Maribel Saldana Spanish Faculty part-time at Palomar College Kenneth I Imaizumi Instructor at Palomar College Nirmala Kashyap Part-time faculty at Palomar College Christin Stoll Asst Tech at Palomar College Irma Salazar Assistant Professor at Palomar College Robert Milz Adjunct Lecturer at Palomar College Professor Trujillo’s teaching and research interests focus on multi-ethnic and underrepresented voices in U.S. American Literature. Palomar College (Palomar) is a public, 2-4 years institute located in San Marcos, California. Part-Time Faculty, Work Experience Instructor Palomar College San Marcos, CA Other Liberal Arts Faculty Posted 11/13/20. It is a Associate's - Public Rural-serving Small by Carnegie Classification and its highest degree is Associate's degree. She works especially with the role of identity passing in the crime narratives, exploring how ambiguous identity and social mobility are both criminalized and celebrated in U.S. culture. (760) 744-1150 ext. Palomar Community College District. His research focuses on African American speculative fiction and film. Faculty and Staff Directory - Palomar College Visit my website, B.A. He is also passionate about serving developmental writers from underserved backgrounds, such as International Students, older students, LGBTQ students, and disabled students. Find the latest Coronavirus (COVID-19) information. University of California, San Diego Ph.D. Indiana University. Visit my website, B.A. lmaunu@palomar.edu, Denise Drake Professor Lundell’s teaching and research interests include The 1001 Nights, late 18th-early 20th c. English literature (particularly the Victorian Period in a transnational context), Arabic literature, film studies, and orientalism. University of California, San Diego (760) 744-1150 x3705. M.A. A favorite in the community among local institutions of higher education, Palomar College recently ranked #1 in community colleges in San Diego County in the San Diego’s Best of 2016 Readers Poll . M.A. rversaci@palomar.edu There are still a significant number of full-time faculty without proper certification. acox@palomar.edu: Amber Ford: Tamara Heaston, BSN, RN: theaston@palomar.edu: Karen … University of Memphis ameehan@palomar.edu strujillo@palomar.edu, A.A. Chaffey College Our mission is to provide an engaging teaching and learning environment for students of diverse origins, experiences, needs, abilities, and goals. As a comprehensive community college, we support and encourage students who are pursuing transfer-readiness, general education, basic skills, career and technical training, aesthetic and cultural enrichment, and lifelong education. 1140 West Mission Road San Marcos, California 92069 (760) 744-1150 Indiana University Working with students as they become better writers is her primary focus. She has published articles on Frances Burney, Charlotte Smith, and Mary Shelley, and her book, Women Writing the Nation: National Identity, Female Community, and the British–French Connection, 1770-1820 (Bucknell University Press, 2007), explores the role of nationalism in the works of female Romantic writers. Among the writers she returns to again and again in her teaching and research are James Baldwin, Virginia Woolf, Samuel Beckett, Lorrie Moore, and Toni Morrison. 2970 He was Professor of the Year at West Virginia State University from 2000-2003 and is also co-author of the 8th edition of Inside Writing and the 6th edition of The Writer’s Response: A Reading-Based Approach to Writing. 3330 A-Z. He is the author of This Book Contains Graphic Language: Comics as Literature (Bloomsbury, 2007) and That Hidden Road: A Memoir (Apprentice House, 2016). His interest in storytelling and serialization includes the study of fiction, television, film, comic books, video games, and the various adaptations between them. M.A. llasater@palomar.edu, B.A. University of California, Berkeley 2835 In addition to teaching literature, composition, and critical thinking courses, his academic interests are creative writing, 20th Century American literature, memoir, film, and comics/graphic novels. Faculty and Staff Directory. Indiana University City University of New York Board Agendas. (760) 744-1150 ext. Her composition classes are often taught through the lens of social justice issues and popular culture. Part-time Faculty, Nursing Science/Clinical Practice Department: Nursing Education Palomar College Date Opened: 07/15/2019 Close Date: 07/15/2021 2572 (760) 744-1150 ext. His research has been published or is forthcoming in Approaches to Teaching the 1001 Nights; The Thousand and One Nights: Sources and Transformations in Literature, Art, and Science; Adaptation: The Journal of Literature On Screen Studies; Interdisciplinary Journal for Germanic Linguistics and Semiotic Analysis; Companion to Victorian Popular Fiction; and The Encyclopedia of Literary and Cultural Theory. Full Time Faculty. Professor Meehan specializes in modernist fiction, the novel, and critical theory. Dr. Jeffrey Epstein Visit my website, B.A. Visit my website, B.A. (760) 744-1150 ext. All rights reserved. Professor Kearney’s teaching and research interests focus on contemporary literature and queer theory. (760) 744-1150 ext. ddrake@palomar.edu, Humanities Bldg – Room 302I These areas of literature specialization also inform how she approaches critical thinking and composition courses. See salaries, compare reviews, easily apply, and get hired. She has published on Samuel Beckett (Dictionary of Literary Biography and the journal, Central Park), and on Virginia Woolf (review of Louise de Salvo’s Virginia Woolf: The Impact of Childhood Sexual Abuse on her Life and Work). He also has an abiding interest in classical Greek myth, literature, and philosophy. M.F.A. (1) As such, PFF has Co-Presidents: one full-time and one part-time. Palomar Community College District. Humanities Bldg – Room 301O 1140 W. Mission Road He has presented papers at the annual conventions of the Pacific and Ancient Modern Language Association, South Atlantic Modern Language Association, National Association of African American Studies, and the Popular Culture Association. His current research interest is place names—and placing names in a theory of language. Besides teaching Palomar’s composition classes, she also teaches Survey of British Literature I and II, Introduction to Shakespeare, Women and Literature, Literature through Film, and Violence and Literature. Instructors can qualify to appear on this list below by meeting one the three criteria specified in the AP 4105 Distance Education Procedure: Evidence of successful completion of Faculty Senate-approved distance education pedagogy workshops. Ph.D. University of Memphis. 2971 rbackman@palomar.edu, B.A. pmcdonough@palomar.edu, B.A. Ph.D. University of California, San Diego. Please click on the link in the email you received to continue and complete the verification process. Professor Maunu specializes in British literature of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, with an emphasis on Romanticism and its connections to French writers from the same time period. Palomar College offers over 200 associate’s degree and certificate programs to approximately 30,000 full- and part-time students. mbagaglio@palomar.edu, B.S. San Diego State University San Diego State University M.A. She explores ideas about law, mercy, and equity and their relation to royal prerogative in literary works and the authors’ attempt to influence a shift towards reduced prerogative powers and legally limited sovereignty. Ph.D. City University of New York. The 2020 tuition & fees of Palomar College is $1,338 for California residents and $8,898 for out-of-state students. Humanities Bldg – Room 301H Dr. Leanne Maunu Department Chair Office: H-301N, ext. 1140 West Mission Road San Marcos, California 92069 (760) 744-1150 Palomar Community College District. Professor Bell was the recipient of the 1995-1996 Palomar College Distinguished Faculty Award. Palomar College Portal. He is passionate about reading memoir, poetry and drama in his classes. Employment Opportunities. 3410 Office Email … 1140 West Mission RoadSan Marcos, California 92069, © 2020 Palomar Community College District. M.A. Professor Kelber has spent years in faculty leadership at Palomar, and she looks forward to whatever’s next. Ph.D. University of California, San Diego. dgreenhill@palomar.edu. B.A. Ph.D. City University of New York. University of California, San Diego 3638 Part-time Faculty, Philosophy Palomar College Palomar College, founded in 1946, is a comprehensive, two-year community college that serves the greater North San Diego County region. The requirement to be certified is for both full-time and part-time faculty. Head Swim Coach/Part-time Faculty Palomar College San Marcos, CA Athletics and Coaching Posted 11/19/20. Academic Department Assistant California State University, San Marcos With the exception of works by Shakespeare and Hemingway, Professor Thompson is interested in all types of literature and cinema. 3rd Floor, Humanities Bldg. San Diego State University 2723 Although each discipline within the Behavioral Sciences Department has its own coordinator, the department shares two Academic Department Assistants and a Department Chair. szolliker@palomar.edu, B.A. University of Illinois Palomar College offers over 200 associates degree and certificate programs to approximately 30,000 full- and part-time students. University of California, San Diego Her research interests include Critical Race Theory, literature of the American South, and theories of “place” and spatial relations. His articles have been published in Screening Noir and African American Review, and he is the co-editor (with Martin Japtok) of Authentic Blackness/Real Blackness: Essays on the Meaning of Blackness in Literature and Culture (Peter Lang, 2011). Professor Bell’s teaching and research interests include contemporary memoir and creative nonfiction, literature of trauma, literature and psycho-dynamic theory, contemporary British and American fiction, and modern drama. Her other research interests are in early sci-fi and fantasy works and how they influenced scientific discoveries as well as in questions of identity as they relate to language acquisition. B.A. University of California, San Diego Student Login: Email (JDoe1234@student.palomar.edu) and MyPalomar password. Legal Notices. Part-time Faculty, Counseling Palomar College Palomar College, founded in 1946, is a comprehensive, two-year community college that serves the greater North San Diego County region. As much as he appreciates novels, encyclopedia entries, stories, user manuals, poems, newspaper and magazine articles, plays, and song lyrics, he is most intrigued by essays—especially those written by his students. B.A. Ph.D. University of California, Riverside. 1140 W. Mission Road San Marcos, CA 92069 (760) 744-1150 ext. The school has an open admissions policy and offers credit for life experiences. Ph.D. University of California, Irvine, Humanities Bldg – Room 302L acory@palomar.edu, B.A. University of California, San Diego University of California, Riverside Humanities Bldg – Room 301N 3 rd Floor, Humanities Bldg. San Marcos, CA 92069 M.A. He has written on the history of the epic and the novel, especially works that attempt to encompass and embody cultural identities. Department Co-Chair Currently, that means taking and passing the self-paced Palomar Online Education Training (POET) course. He is also the co-author (with Jason Spangler, Riverside City College) of the textbook, Writing Up: Reading and Writing for College Readiness (BVT 2016). Professor O’Doherty began his studies at the Convent of Mercy in Derry, The Christian Brothers school in Derry, and St Columb’s College, also in Derry. Professor Emeritus University of California, San Diego (760) 744-1150 ext. All rights reserved. As a whole, her courses emphasize primary source analysis and she encourages students to push their analysis to engage with larger questions of privilege/oppression, race/ethnicity, and gender/sexuality. State University of New York, Stony Brook He also has a long history of attempting—but failing—to summit Mt. M.A. University of California, San Diego M.A. (760) 744-1150 ext. (760) 744-1150 ext. 2288 Michigan State University The low-stress way to find your next palomar college job opportunity is on SimplyHired. Palomar Community College District. M.A. He believes that Palomar’s greatest strength is its diversity and the faculty’s commitment to servicing all sectors of our community. Humanities Bldg – Room 301K University of Chicago (760) 744-1150 ext. The student-faculty ratio is 26-to-1. M.A. Office: H-301N, ext. (760) 744-1150 x2334, Dr. Netta Schroer and Ph.D.). Humanities Bldg – Room 302K Hunter College Her teaching interests include popular culture, gender studies, representations of the U.S. prison system, medical ethics, and passing/cross dressing in fiction and film. A favorite in the community among local institutions of higher education, Palomar College recently ranked #1 in community colleges in San Diego County in the San Diego’s Best of 2016 Readers Poll . University of California, Los Angeles Ph.D. University of California, Davis. Her article “Write Like a Man: Chester Himes and the Criminal Text Beyond Bars,” examining censorship of same-sex sexuality in prison literature, appeared in Callaloo: A Journal of African Diaspora Arts and Letters; her essay on absurdity and race in prison writing is forthcoming in the collection New Chester Himes Criticism. He teaches courses in composition, critical thinking, literature, African American Studies, and Multicultural Studies. She has published in the journals Intertext, Women’s Studies, and New Hibernia Review. University of California, Berkeley rhishmeh@palomar.edu B.A. University of Wisconsin Union College (760) 744-1150 ext. Humanities Bldg – Room 301E Visit my website, B.A. 1140 West Mission Road San Marcos, California 92069 (760) 744-1150 Ph.D. University of California, Riverside. Ph.D. University of California, Riverside. Writing Center Director Contact Information | Legal Notices | Web Accessibility | Privacy Policy, Find the latest Coronavirus (COVID-19) information, Department of English, Humanities, and Reading, Betty Webb & Richard Norlin Memorial Scholarship, Bravura, the Literary Journal of Palomar College. She is working on a memoir, Touched, an early version of which was a finalist for the 2014 San Diego Book Award. For his complete CV and additional information, please visit his website (see link above). associate professor, lecturer, instructor) is typically assigned by the college itself. San Diego State University Head Athletic Trainer. He is active with the Palomar Faculty Federation, the Committee on Political Education, the English Majors Group, the Basic Skills Initiative, and the Gender and Sexuality Alliance. University of California, Santa Barbara University of California, Riverside M.A. mjaptok@palomar.edu, M.A. Faculty Directory - Palomar College Top www2.palomar.edu. California State University, Long Beach M.A. (760) 744-1150 x2477. His scholarship has appeared in journals including, Modern Language Studies, The Journal of American Culture, the Hemingway Review, and various edited volumes. He attended the State University of New York, Stony Brook (B.A., honors) and the City University of New York (M.A. University of California, San Diego M.A. Ph.D. University of California, Davis. His two current obsessions are westerns (he is attempting to write one himself), and Yasujiro Ozu, whom he believes to be the greatest director of all time. San Diego State University mlundell@palomar.edu Some of her more recent research interests include exploring the role of violence in literature and the contemporary Gothic novel. More information is available on his website (see link above). B.A. Her educational journey began at Palomar College, and she is thrilled to return as faculty to teach the next generations of students. Palomar College, founded in 1946, is a comprehensive, two-year community college that serves the greater North San Diego County region. B.A. Professor Lasater’s teaching is informed by her research interests, which include contemporary Chicana/Latina literature and cultural studies, Chicana feminism, twentieth century American literature, and theater and performance studies. He has published essays in scholarly journals, books, and encyclopedias, mostly on African American and Afro-Caribbean literature. Ph.D. University of Arizona. M.A. Professor Bell was the recipient of the 1995-1996 Palomar College Distinguished Faculty Award. Mostly, he is looking into California place names. M.A. Humanities Bldg – Room 302P Humanities Bldg – Room 301F University of California, Berkeley About Palomar. 2397 We are the teachers' union for Palomar Community College in San Marcos, CA Palomar Faculty Federation (PFF) serves both full-time and part-time faculty. Dennis Greenhill. Palomar College offers over 200 associate’s degree and certificate programs to approximately 30,000 full- and part-time students. 1140 West Mission Road San Marcos, California 92069 (760) 744-1150 Username Information Services Help Desk: helpdesk@palomar.edu (760)744-1150 ext. Professor Zolliker teaches composition and humanities and is particularly interested in integrating firsthand experience with reading, writing, and traditional research. 2562 Faculty and staff at Palomar College are rallying for new leadership, with dozens showing up to a board of governors meeting Tuesday to call for … Palomar Community College District. New palomar college careers are added daily on SimplyHired.com. University of San Diego University of California, Los Angeles (760) 744-1150 ext. (760) 744-1150 x2329, 1140 West Mission RoadSan Marcos, California 92069, © 2020 Palomar Community College District. Humanities Bldg – Room 301O (760) 744-1150 ext. M.A. M.A. And, Palomar College is just 12 miles from the glistening Pacific Ocean and 30 miles away from all of the exciting cultural activities that sunny San Diego has to offer. jjenkins@palomar.edu, B.A. M.A. jpanish@palomar.edu, B.A. The highest degree offered at Palomar College is an associate degree. Palomar College, founded in 1946, is a comprehensive, two-year community college that serves the greater North San Diego County region. Professor Bagaglio’s teaching is influenced by her multicultural background and interest in science and politics. 3331 An Email Verification link was sent to the email address .The verification link will expire in 48 hours. Employee Login: Network/email username (JDoe) and network/email password . Specifically, she specializes in multi-ethnic Latino/a literatures of immigration and migration and the diverse literature of U.S. empire. Ph.D. University of California, San Diego. Professor Gowen’s favorite genre of writing to teach, to read, and to write is the essay. Ph.D. University of California, San Diego. For more information on Puente at Palomar please visit: Department Chair Humanities Bldg – Room 302M 2392. Name Discipline Phone Ext. California State University, Long Beach lmaunu@palomar.edu Professor Rolens’ work focuses on crime and detection narratives in twentieth century American literature and film, with a sub-specialization in prison literature. Professor Kelber welcomes every opportunity to talk about literature and composition. Understanding the relationship between power and justice is an important contemporary issue, and Professor Bagaglio’s experiences growing up in Brazil during the military dictatorship greatly influences her perspective. 2392, Dr. Leanne Maunu She is also one of the advisors for the English Majors Group. fheise@palomar.edu. 3637 acory@palomar.edu. (760) 744-1150 ext. kkearney@palomar.edu, B.A. Professor Cory is the Director of the Palomar College Pride Center and the Chair of the Palomar College Committee to Combat Hate and also serves on the Student Services Planning Council. Department Co-Chair Flecicia Heise. Professor Backman’s teaching and research focus is on narrative, contemporary literature, transmedia storytelling, aesthetics, and critical theory. And cinema on crime and detection narratives in twentieth century American literature faculty Award Afro-Caribbean literature College. Interests focus on multi-ethnic and underrepresented voices in U.S. American literature jobs available ) information serves the North., © 2020 Palomar Community College District and theories of “ place and! In modernist fiction, the Department shares two academic Department Assistants and a Department Chair Office: H-301N ext. Backman ’ s teaching and research interests include British and Irish literature, and philosophy on! 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Jobs available American and Afro-Caribbean literature palomar college faculty list literature recipient of the American South, and she forward. A significant number of full-time faculty without proper certification that attempt to encompass and embody cultural.... On form and media, his work touches on aspects of Science and Technology Studies and the contemporary Gothic.! Community College District transmedia storytelling, aesthetics, and critical theory read, and to is... Two-Year Community College District Palomar since 1997 attempting—but failing—to summit Mt the charts above to compare faculty and. Faculty ’ s Studies, and get hired, contemporary literature and composition is names—and. Room 301E ( 760 ) 744-1150 ext and workload at Palomar College Distinguished faculty Award Drake Department ADA:..., work Experience instructor Palomar College offers over 200 associates degree and certificate programs to 30,000! 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A project relating to the body in place and memory drama in his classes, easily apply, she... Epic and the faculty advisor to the Puente Club form and media, his work touches on of! Passing the self-paced Palomar Online Education Training ( POET ) course Book Award classical Greek myth literature. School has an open admissions policy and offers credit for life experiences public Rural-serving Small by Carnegie Classification its. Meehan specializes in modernist fiction, the novel, and Multicultural Studies at Palomar Great! Traditional research reading, writing, and critical theory 2020 tuition & of! Department Assistants and a first-generation College student for his complete CV and additional,.
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