- Written by
- Published: 20 Jan 2021
For you to glorify Him with your life. When life gives you something difficult, we end up adjusting and becoming stronger. And isn’t it so amazing that each of our children are so unique and created in His image? Parenting by Faith. Yes Elle is such a sweet gift, thanks for recognizing that in her. Author of Autism's Hidden Blessings, she is a contributing writer for Believe.com and Not Alone, an online community for special needs parents. I simply needed an answer, I knew no other way to deal with my fear and uncertainty. I guess that’s motherhood. You’re a good, strong mama. She dances to the beat of her own drum and grows according to her own timeline. God’s love restores hope and brings life to our bones. It did not matter what they said or did to encourage me. You may say God has a reason for everything but unless and until you are in the disabled person's shoes, you will never be able to know how exactly we feel. While other parents felt joy and pride at their child’s milestones, I grieved and wondered if my child would ever walk, if she would ever talk, if she would ever have a normal life. Thank you for reading and commenting. I believe that it is the answer. In fact,... Today I want to share my story about how I... Family Travel Tips To Wailea, Hawaii We’ve been traveling to... Desert Springs is one of our favorite getaways in Southern... Best Family Friendly Luxury Hotel In Las Vegas: Wynn &... 10 Reasons Why You Should Visit Dubai For Your Next... © Mommy Diary ®. Thank you for helping me feel.. not alone. I am not a bad person. 2. Question is, why God let me suffer like this lonely life while seeing other people enjoying their life with friends. God Chooses Mom for Disabled Child Written by Erma Bombeck Published in the Today Newspaper Sept. 4th, 1993 Most women become mothers by accident, some by choice, a … Yes, God has deep and beautiful and perfect imprints on Elle. I’m glad you guys finally have a diagnosis and that she is thriving well in classes. Will she feel sad, lonely or angry? What you written is beautiful. yes it’s so important to speak out but hard sometimes. I thank God for the coordinator of our Disability Ministry, Brenda Fischer. God uses people's brokenness to reveal His glory to mankind. There is nothing wrong with her. No one is “born gay.” If you tell me that some people are “born gay,” then you are saying that my God makes mistakes, and my God doesn't make mistakes. By Erwin W. Lutzer June 28, ... it was ultimately permitted by God. Can you tell me why G‑d gave me a mental illness? when you talk About imagining god Holding your child and choosing you to be Her mother, is the best thing I couldve read. It’s exactly how Ive felt and have been feeling. Question is, why God let me suffer like this lonely life while seeing other people enjoying their life with friends. The writer of this article comes from a family that has a history of genetic-related problems (e.g. 3 months ago. May you and your family be blessed with so much more =), Thank you so much for your kind words. Why did he allow YOUR child to have a disability and not the other 5 million children in the world to have a disability… One warning that I have to raise at this point is that we dare not jump to the conclusion that an individual person’s particular disease or affliction is a direct result of some particular sin. You’re such a strong mama and inspiration Elle is beautiful! I hope I’m that perfect mom, still striving every day.. God has a special plan for her and I’m blessed to be a part of it. Instead, the parent worries about whether or not the child will have another seizure episode in class, be teased again by typical kids in the school, or hold a stable job after turning eighteen. God isnt punishing anyone by allowing a child to be born disabled . Thanks for reading. I'm envious." But He loves you and wants to help … Did God decide that this wonderful, sweet, smart boy should die at age 25? True, the apostles did not expressly say that people will be saved only if they repent, believe, and confess. <3, I wish I could reach over and give you a hug. God doesn't make mistakes! To the world she is a special needs child but to me she is perfect. Answer: Every soul journeys down into this world with two suitcases. I tried my best to mask my emotions of course, and did whatever I can do to get her all the help I can. 0 1. I got teary-eyed =’) God is truly amazing! Why did God make me with a handicap/learning disability? It feels like he is stealing our joy and peace. 19:14). It really means a lot to me! Aww thanks Connie for always being so sweet to E and for your love for our family! God's love to him. We all need to keep on the watch and continue to pray for that day (the Lord's Prayer, Our Father) Pray for children with disabilities to experience God’s love. I too have walked a very similar journey as yourself and can relate and connect with every word you put here. Thank you for that virtual hug Katrina! Why did I have a child with a disability? Jesus does give a reason for this man’s blindness - “this happened so that the work of God might be ... God did it not because he is vindictive but because he wants us to be reminded that there is more to life than just what we see around us. I had no idea. The other is full of the talents … Will she feel like an outsider? I know your path isn't easy -- and God knows it also. Thank you for sharing this story. We are really in together Vivien. We prayed for years for God to give us a child that is healthy, and that we would grow to love him. Yes children are so amazing and teach us to be better humans. Sometimes people argue that the Bible discriminates against disabled people. Xo, Ashley, Hi Ashley, thank you so much for taking the time to read my writings and comment. This image of God looking down upon me, trusting me and choosing me, brings me so much peace and gratitude. How old is she now? Learn more about how we can work together. Thank you Diana for your kind words! You are an extraordinary mama and God picked the perfect person to mother this little angel. E will always have a special spot in my heart. And, hopefully you’re in a great school district, but if anything ever comes up with her IEP that you question or wonder about – although I’m sure you’re already an expert- please don’t hesitate to use me as a resource! We are in this together Angela. And it reminds me again why she is here with me today. , Beautiful… I loved every single word… Bless her she and know you are a special mummy because you have such a beautiful special child. He will live with his challenges long after I leave this earth. Jesus heals the disabled. Thank you for sharing. Elle is beautiful and such a blessing to anyone who knows her. It complicates the parent’s life in so many ways from extra doctor’s appointments, IEP meetings to picking up medication and driving to and from speech therapy many times during the week. You are doing great, momma! Neither of us are. God IS good! This video is unavailable. Question: "Why does God allow sickness?" Why has he made me suffer? Watch Queue Queue. When we are suffering with a sickness, disease, or injury, we usually focus solely on our own suffering. This was given to me when I learned Jake had Cerebral Palsy. Rather than ask God why we or a loved one have a disability or handicap, we should ask Him to reveal to us how we can honor Him through this disability in our lives. I’d love to hear more about it one day so we can offer love, encouragement and support. As a child growing up, my father did everything he put his mind to. Her disability was not caused by a god nor could it have been prevented by a god. We are parents. I loved her so much that my heart ached every time I think about her difficult future. He did not make a mistake, nor was He punishing us. Why Did God Make Me Disabled, Different, and Despondent? This is one of the things that can make it hard to move on after you find out about your child’s diagnosis. It was never right. I just wanted to … When I see her struggle to put together Lego blocks, string beads or grasp a crayon like other kids, I wondered what kind of life she will lead; how she will be perceived by the world and how she will perceive herself. Thank you, that means a lot. She too doesn't believe in a god. But it seems cruel to afflict my son with a disease just to teach me a lesson. On January 19, 1989 we learned Jake had cerebral palsy. It took over a hundred pages of collected documents and almost a year of waiting. <3. Her fingers are fused together giving her hands a “mitten” appearance. All Rights Reserved. Its been hard to feel grateful lately and this has definitely given me a new mindSEt about it all. So that answer that I was desperately seeking on that sad night, that answer that no medical doctor, school administrator or social worker could give me, I now know. A parent of a special needs child doesn’t get to videotape Christmas plays, revel at the child’s musical talents and athleticism, or imagine a hopeful future where the child pursues her ambitions. Developmental problems or genetics did. I am so moved and proud to call you my friend. God didn’t allow me to have 2 special needs children for no reason at all. Will be sure to ask you for advice when I need it- I’m sure they will come up! My brother died of a brain tumor. Why some people don’t have parents? Spreecast, “Finding Strength for the Autism”, Gratitude: God’s Secret Pathway to Protection, Will It Be All Right? Every milestone was missed and I became used to the disappointment. He is looking down upon millions of soon-to-be-mothers, pointing at me and saying “There, there she is. I believe the story has been passed along to thousands of mothers who just recently learned they were given a special gift from God - a Special Needs Child. plain and simple. Thanks for reading, I’m glad I began this journey of sharing stories. I guess this is how motherhood teaches us valuable lessons, that of unconditional love. Why did some people are born ugly? Thank you for reading. I used to think I might be the opposite of special, as if I might be getting punished, but I now realize how wrong I was. I just want to hug you for sharing your family’s journey. Thank you Tiffany for your friendship and support always. The following two tabs change content below. Sensory processing disorder can be difficult too, our journeys are different but all full of challenges isn’t it? I took her to specialists, requested multiple tests and researched various disorders and its functions. He gets picked on allot at school and isn't very happy in life. The doctor explained that Jake might never walk, talk or even recognize us. Anonymous. When he left, I asked Michael why he had given him so much time. plain and simple. Thanks for sharing. I have a teenage family member who is intellectually disabled since birth. Years ago, some friends of our faced a similar situation, and ended up seeing their child as an "angel" sent from God to bless their lives. Why do some people are born with a low IQ and struggle in life? Children with special needs have very special qualities. Nothing comes into a believer’s life without first coming through the hands of our loving heavenly Father. you ask an interesting question. Such a beautiful story Angela. Without a clear diagnosis, it seemed impossible to get her the help she needs. The Bible promises that soon God will remove every disease and disability that plagues both young and old. They called it speech disorder, hypotonia (low muscle tone) or developmental delay. Thanks to dedicated administrators like yourself, kids like Elle can get the help and support they need. You and other parents like you are my inspiration. But most evangelicals assume—with good … You feel like you have been wronged by God. Thank you for reading. Thank you for your kind words. My husband was busy with work and frequently coming home late, and I had no one to talk to about the depth of my sadness. Your story is beautiful! Many years ago when Elle was a little over two years old and Tess was an infant, I cried silent tears in the dark as my babies were falling asleep next to me. Here's the answer: No one is born “perfect” because there is sin in the world. When I have a rough day at home, I picture God holding her in His arms. Every burning question nagged at the back of my mind and few words can describe the depth of my sadness at the time. God gave me Elle, a very special special needs child, because he wants to use my voice and writing to protect the happiness and rights of these children. Thank you Helen. He played ball with us, took us on walks, and went hunting and fishing with us. It’s been one heck of a journey (for lack of better words) but at the core of it all, I’m so thankful that I get to parent and learn with a child like my own. God gave David to us, and He will also give us … Kelly believes that each day should include a healthy dose of laughter. The basics of the faith are lived out within disability. (Revelation 21:3, 4) In that day, “no resident will say: ‘I am sick.’” * —Isaiah 33:24. Much love to you Ashley xoxo, Speaking hard is vry difficult bt sometimes you have to to it ! She crawled for well over a year and began to walk when she was nearly two. My girl was also diagnosed with a genetic disorder 2 years ago (Williams syndrome ) it’s a deletion of one of the chromosome. He wanted me to discover just how faithful He really is. I'm figuring that you know someone who is disabled, you, your child, a friend/family member or their child. you ask an interesting question. Honored to call you our friend. Every time I go to birthday parties and social gatherings, I watched other children laugh, run, talk and play with a deep sense of loss, guilt and ache in my heart. I too feel blessed to be called into the field I work in, and needed a heart reminder as the days have become so busy and hectic – I will keep your words in my mind and heart as I enter my meetings this coming week and key in more closely to the heart’s of the parents I meet with. Lv 7. I even went through the arduous task of filing a grievance against my insurance company for refusing her speech therapy. I want Angela to take care of this child. I trust her and know she will do this for me.”. Michael loved meeting him, and the attention the superstar gave the young man greatly endeared Michael to me. Why would God give two men a "natural" attraction one-for-the-other, but then they can't mate and reproduce because they both have male reproductive organs? Cuz God feels that learning disabilities are funny. I also believe that is why He gave you a child Life is not perfect but sure it has perfect moments. These terms were all so new to me and I didn’t know where to go and who to turn to. We began early intervention for Elle since she was only one year old but none of it seemed to help. Thanks so much for sharing your story. Relevance. Everyone probably has some sort of learning difference in at least one part of his or her brain that makes it work slower in some ways. Complete healing is guaranteed one Day, but for now we rest in His goodness and celebrate little victories along the way. I felt powerless and helpless as a mother. Thank you so much for being courageous enough to share your story. God gave me Elle, a very special special needs child, because he wants to use my voice and writing to … God allows all types of bad things to happen to bring glory to his name. 14. So that answer that I was desperately seeking on that sad night, that answer that no medical doctor, school administrator or social worker could give me, I now know. I had no idea you were a program specialist for a school district– I’m very familiar with the IEP process and know our district’s program specialist pretty well too. When Jesus healed people it gave evidence of the sovereignty of God. I believe our lives are much fuller thanks to our hardships. My husband and I know we are blessed beyond measure, remembering God gives only good gifts , and that a child (any and every child) is a gift from the Lord, a blessing, a reward. You and I are sinners. Your voice is missing! Answer Save. Michael told me. "That man will always be a child, always be innocent. Through her I learn every day the true meaning of unconditional love. He wanted to give me a gift that no man could take away: A special knowledge of the power, strength, holiness, faithfulness, might and wisdom of God that only comes from NEEDING HIM DESPERATELY. I believe He gives children (regardless of their needs) to imperfect, ill-equipped people who slowly learn how to apply their love to the raising of children. He lives in her eyes and every time she looks at me, I feel His amazing grace and overflowing love. 10 Answers. Yes it’s hard to believe it sometimes, but I believe everything happens for a reason, even the most devastating and painful parts of life! When the disciples wondered about the man born blind, Jesus told them, “This happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him” (John 9:3). Present is full of worry, and future brings fear of uncharted territories. Why did you allow my child to have a disability? <3. She is who she is, just different with a different set of needs and desires like all of us. To give me an example of overcoming physical difficulties. Thank you! God did not look away when our child was born. Everything is clearer with a diagnosis. Thank you for sharing! Log in. You may say God has a reason for everything but unless and until you are in the disabled person's shoes, you will never be able to know how exactly we feel. My child is profoundly disabled. So please don’t call me “special,” because I don’t call you that either. Thank you for reading Amy. Beautiful <3 I wish more parents would speak out. Read more at http://www.kellylangston.com. I was lonely, sleep deprived, tired and broken. Answer: The question of what the Bible says about birth defects and why they are allowed to exist is a tough one to handle, especially for parents who have children with disabilities. Three times I did that, and then he told me, My grace is enough; it’s all you need. I can’t tell you how much I needed a personal reminder/perspective of a friend who has a child with special needs, and recognizes the profound blessing of being chosen as their parent. Kelly’s articles have appeared in P31 Magazine of Proverbs 31 Ministries and focus on her continual hunt to discover God’s fingerprint in every gift that life brings. 3 months ago. There will be a time when God restores everyone to perfection. One is full of the challenges the soul has to face during its lifetime. Why do only some people become a victim of war? Go ahead, look a little closer. We have both crossed God’s line and fallen short of His glory (Romans 3:23). Why do I have a learning disability? I knew very early on what was missing from my life. Rather than try to understand why God didn't give you a child, when you are ready, consider instead how this might be a sign of God's love. Why did some people were born poor? I envied the sweet, affectionate interactions they enjoyed with their children and the ease of their mini-vanned, suburban lives. Beautiful. So beautiful. I'm figuring that you know someone who is disabled, you, your child, a friend/family member or their child. Lewis, The Problem of Pain, (San Francisco: Harper, 2001 [1940]), p.91. May this be true of you. Watching a beautiful young soul struggle to do all the typical things we take for granted like talking, writing and living life without medication could do this for anyone. Keep on pushing forward mama!! Much of the time, we did not think of Dad as being disabled. Publius. Watch Queue Queue I was frustrated at the doctors, administrators and social workers for failing to offer a concrete reason and solution. Why did God give me a learning disability? Everything happens for a reason. I’m glad your little girl is much better now! I replied, “God doesn’t want me to start one, He wants me to write.” I’ve done this through the years, and whenever I’m through I’m just going to give a copy to friends and family. I was more broken by the time Carter had his second birthday than I have ever revealed publicly, and I spent long, wakeful nights in the manner that is familiar to millions of people of faith: on my knees, the holy book of my tradition open in front of me, begging God for relief for me and my family and healing for my child. If you’re looking for tips, ideas and inspirations to organize... I’m an old soul and love vintage shopping. In order to do this he made me a parent, not an educator or lawyer or administrator but a parent who truly understand these kids’ needs from a closer and deeper perspective. Praying Scripture over My Child with Special Needs, The Angel of the Lord Encamps Around Those Who Fear Him. Equality Act 2010: Guidance.. C.S. Thank you for sharing your story. Living with a disability in extreme poverty threatens to rob children and families of the full life Jesus promises us, as well as their hope for the future. I don’t know if I would be able to be as strong as you. ADD, ADHD and others) and struggles with genetic defects on a daily basis. God is good always. Lv 7. It’s not easy and I don’t think it will ever get easier. I thought I was been punish for something I did, little that I knew that she would bring so much love and compassion into my heart, I admit that it has not been easy but all through the years G-d providence and favor has carry me through. it's like a picture of our spiritual state, we are broken and full of fault, but if we accept Jesus as our personal Savior, he's like the doctor and heals all our brokenness and forgets all our sins Raising a special needs child is no easy task. Dear Baby D: Two Month Update With Dockatot, Naptime With Nested Bean: Zen Swaddle Review, Ten Things To Remember While Weaning Your Baby, Birth Story of Gia Rumi: A Natural, Unmedicated Labor, 5 Things I Learned In 5 Years Of Mommy Diary, How To Plan An Intimate Vow Renewal Ceremony, Embracing and Spreading Radical Self-Love, My Konmari Tidying Up Journey: The Closet, Pantry Makeover: How To Organize Your Pantry With Simple Storage Solutions, Choosing The Perfect Benjamin Moore White Paint, Things To Do At Fairmont Kea Lani: Luxury Family Friendly Resort In Maui, 10 Reasons to Visit JW Marriott Desert Springs, Luxury Family Travel In Las Vegas: Things To Do At Wynn, 10 Reasons Why You Should Visit Dubai For Your Next Family Vacation. And maybe that is why you were chosen. Going over to read your blog now! God doesn’t give “special” children to “special” parents. I quit my teaching job and began researching full time. 0 0. Why would God choose me? Why are people born sick or ... good things will happen). God allows all types of bad things to happen to bring glory to his name. She is special, worthy and beautiful just like all of us. Jesus said, “Suffer the little children to come unto me, for to such belongs the kingdom of God” (Matt. It’s not that I didn’t feel love for my daughter, I truly did. He didn't. And if God were testing me, giving me only what I could handle, why is my child the one with the disability? This hit me At the core. I’m sure you would be able to too. Not to mention, the high cost of all the services. He trusts you a lot, and I’m pretty sure God is really proud of you. 3 months ago. Fifteen years ago G-d entrusted me with a beautiful daughter I named her: Rebecca Rose she was born with down syndrome, at first I did not know why me! Now with another one, I guess I’ll have another set of lessons to learn! It really means a lot, especially on days when parenthood is not so easy. No, God does not punish parents by given them disabled children. The parent worries about the present, the future, and all the bad and real things that can happen the moment you leave this world. Being her mother is a blessing in disguise, a source of genuine happiness and hope where I’m challenged everyday to dig deeper and search for reasons to be thankful during the roughest moments. Here’s the deal: my faith did get me through, or rather, God did. (And What if You Aren’t Sure?). Why Did God Give Me a Child with a Special Need? God Allows Some Babies To Have Birth Defects. I know she will do a great job. Angela J. Kim is the creator behind this blog. There is joy in every step. Worse, I shot my bitter arrows at friends and family, who did nothing but show me love and support. I don’t know your son’s struggles but I understand the deep love that comes with deep pain. Yes, the deep love and struggles are real. I was given the gift of a handicap to keep me in constant touch with my limitations… At first I didn’t think of it as a gift, and begged God to remove it. The parent wonders what will happen if he or she becomes old or falls ill. Who will take care of your precious child, who can you trust? Again, not a God I … Through her I learned a lot, grew a lot, and am now able to find reasons for gratitude anywhere I go. Few things in my ministry have given me a deeper sense of satisfaction than seeing God raise up at Bethlehem a heart and mind and vision and a ministry for people with disabilities, especially children. I know that he works good for all those who love him, and that good is to be more like his Son. Grateful reasons self-seeking baby much be developed. , So beautiful.. really loved reading this. The British Government currently defines disability as having "a physical or mental impairment and the impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities." "I'm jealous of him, Shmuley." Exodus 4:11 is only one of many passages that reveal God causes people to have birth defects, illnesses, sickness or disease as a result of the fall of man in the Garden of Eden (Romans 5:12; 8:22). Its great to find a mama friend who is a program specialist! Elle is such a beautiful young lady. Welcome to Christian Forums, a forum to discuss Christianity in a friendly surrounding. Both my children have sensory processing disorder and it comes with it’s own set of challenges, but are minimal on the scale of how bad it could really be. God has blessed US in a very special way. Luke 18:16 But Jesus called for the children, saying, “Let the little children come to me and do not try to stop them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. He does love them, but it is because of sin that they are born disabled . After I leave this earth what if you Aren ’ t know if I would be able to.! To discuss Christianity in a friendly surrounding and is n't very happy in life as you e and for kind. Only what I could reach over and give you a lot, on! To e and for your love for our family upon me, brings so... … Log in I became used to the beat of her own timeline the deep love and support always and. Took her to specialists, requested multiple tests and researched various disorders and its functions special plan for and... Along the way Shmuley. the sovereignty of God looking down upon me, me. T sure? ), and I ’ m an old soul and love shopping! Who to turn to believe our lives are much fuller thanks to dedicated administrators yourself. 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