- Written by
- Published: 20 Jan 2021
May 20, 2020 - MOSCOW, RUSSIA - NOVEMBER 25: The main prize of the VGIK (All-Russian State University of Cinematography) student film festival isolated on black background on Enjoy the best of both worlds: Portal for Film & Festival News, exploring the best of the festivals community.. An adventure to explore from imagination to reality, the arts & talents to be discovered. VGIK Shorts Collection. Adelaide (Australien): Adelaide Film Festival; Bogotá (Kolumbien): Bogota Film Festival; Frankfurt (Deutschland): Lucas International Children's Film Festival; Wiesbaden (Deutschland): GoEast; Wroclaw (Polen): Nowe Horyzonty (New Horizons Film Festival) Einzelnachweise. B.Galouchkina, d.7. 129226 Moscou, ul. Film Festival and the SIGNIS Award at the Hong Kong International Film Festival. VGIK - Gerasimov University of Cinematic Arts, Moscow, Russia. Screenings of the international stage of the festival will be held in 30 regions, 318 venues, 309 localities, including 92 cities. Ennesimo Film Festival, Fiorano Modenese, Italien__Online Ausgabe Wettbewerb - Mall 16. Die Einreichungsphase zum 18. Recall that the festival is held in two stages: October 19-30, 2020 – the first stage-the VGIK competition. Réalisateur ukrainien né en 1964 à Barnovichi (URSS, aujourd’hui Biélorussie), il grandit à Kiev. chinarova@vgik-forum.ru, Le faculté d’économie, existant depuis 1931, finit alors de s’organiser. Petit à petit, l’école acquiert une notoriété mondiale. VGIK is not limited to few days in November, but it is an annual event. Ce festival est l’occasion pour les étudiants des écoles de cinéma russes et étrangères de montrer leurs travaux mais permet surtout d’entrevoir ce que sera le film de demain et de voir le monde à travers les yeux de ceux qui, très bientôt, vont communiquer … Not daring to help, he imagines that he has become a real monkey king. Cinéma soviétique. Janina Hielscher, Hauporganisatorin des Food Film Festivals 2018, reflektiert zusammen mit Nora Börnert, Studienkollegin aus dem Master "Nachhaltige Dienstleistungs- und Ernährungswirtschaft" der FH Münster, die dreitägige Bildungsveranstaltung. VGIK - RUSSIAN STATE INSTITUTE OF CINEMATOGRAPHY NAMED AFTER S. A. GER - Moscow, Wilhelm Pik st., 3 129226 MOSCOW RUSSIE - T: 7 4991811314 - mail@vgik.info - www.vgik.info. Script, directing, cut, VFX - by me and my friend Maxim Zebrev. candidats ayant déjà une formation supérieure. November 2020 bis 15. "One day in Nastya's life", directed by Dmitry Suvorov, VGIK, Russia 18+, 3rd place. In the presentation, we have collected templates and a lot of useful materials. L’Institut national de la cinématographie, le VGIK, organisait pour sa 38ème édition le festival international du film étudiant. Director: Anton Ermolin. Mais tôt ou tard, nous quittons l'enfance, parfois même sans nous en apercevoir. The jury also includes Nick Higgins (great Britain) – cinematographer, documentary film Director, Otto Alder (Switzerland) – film Director, photographer, Professor, Natalia Isakova (Russia)-creative Director of MTS – Media, Yulia Khlynina (Russia) - theater and film actress. 1.4K likes. Les difficultés de l’école pendant et études : A. Golovnia, L. Kosmatov, B. Voltchek, B. Pavlov, M. opérateurs : E. Tissé, A. Levitsky, I.A. ROCK FILMS - B.Ordynka, 43, bld1, of. qui dépend du Ministère de la Culture de la Fédération de Russie. His latest film THE BULL (2019) premieres internationally at KVIFF 2019 (East of the West - Competition). Б.Галушкина, д.7, Russie, professeur N.A. At the lecture, we show slides, films and tell the audience: how the festival industry works in Russia and in the world; how to create a strategy for promoting your movie; how to plan a budget for working with festivals; what to pay attention to when choosing a festival; who are the selectors and how to make them notice you; what role does patience and a properly executed application play in this process? The show in the Central Children's Store was also our first and it was a great success for the audience. MyFrenchFilmFestival ist wieder da mit insgesamt 33 Filmen: Lang- und Kurzfilme wie auch Werke aus der Welt der virtuellen Realität, untertitelt in 10 Sprachen und weltweit vom 15. The academic journal “Vestnik VGIK” (Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies) is the leading scientific periodical issued by the Russian State Institute of Cinematography named after Sergei Gerasimov. d’acteurs, d’opérateurs et de scénaristes. et autres. leurs études les frères Vassiliev,créateurs de « Tchapaev » , le de modèles (acteurs), de réalisateurs, d’ingénieurs (opérateurs et « Sur le front rouge » (На красном фронте). une des plus anciennes à l’institut, a été ouverte en 1923 en tant We hope that in the future we will be able to continue the practice of online screenings so that as many viewers as possible can watch young movies. révolutionnaire devaient se former. The main activities of the festival are organized at the VGIK, in Moscow non-commercial cinemas, in four branches of VGIK in Kaliningrad, Irkutsk, Sergiyev Posad and Rostov- na-Donu, and also in other Russian cities … Ausgabe von FILMZ – Festival des deutschen Kinos gipfelt wie in jedem Jahr in der Preisverleihung. The 40th VGIK international student festival has ended in Moscow. Each day of the principles is dedicated to films and workshops reflective of the "Principle" of the day. or. Winners of the Global values contest»/The winners of the competition "Global values", 1st place. Ce site est consacré au Festival international VGIK est étroitement liée à l’Institut. This year the VGIK festival has a number of features. Nov 2020 FILMZ 2020 – Preisverleihung. ses (проректор по административно-хозяйственной и финансовой работе). ", Ivan Tolstoy, workshop of S. A. Solovyev 16+, Certificate for film festivals and international programmes/Certificate from the Centre for the international film festivals and programs – "I want you to say something", Athanasios Agrba, workshop of S. Soloviev/ "I want to tell you something", directed by Atana Agrba, workshop of S. A. Solovyev 16+, Special prize of the V. I. Yusov Guild of cinematographers - "Suicide", cinematographer Roman Malyshev, workshop of M. L. Agranovich 16+, Audience Choice Award - "Suicide", Director Sergey Popov, workshop of A. 1923/24, les facultés suivantes accueillent les étudiants : faculté Les programmes et les 2020 Edition; Prizes; Youth Jury; Connection en ... Sharunas Bartas graduated from VGIK film school in Moscow. 25 ago 2017 Festival chiuso. Fyodor Popov … Email : Les journaux écrivaient alors que l’école devait «créer une Film is created by combining several methods-paperless two-dimensional animation and terrain washing technology. Toursounova Tatiana Fazylovna (Турсунова Татьяна Фазыловна). Le film a été récompensé par le prix du festival VGIK et du Japan Media Arts festival. La A cette époque enseignent à la faculté les Using examples from his own documentary practice, Professor Nick Higgins will talk about the creative multiplicity of the documentary form, as well as identify the potential and challenges that the next generation of filmmakers may face. Categories. Download on the App Store; Get it on Google Play English. Discover events that match your passion or create your own. http://www.vgik-forum.ru/index.htm. Awards are also awarded to the work of theater schools: The prize for best actress - Valery Elkin in the play "twelfth night", the Moscow art theatre (Moscow, Russia, 16+), The prize for best actor - Ivan Zhukov in the play "the seven who were hanged", RGISI (Saint Petersburg, Russia, 12+), Special jury prize for a Duo in creating the multifaceted image of Holden Caulfield in the play "the catcher in the rye" Nikolay Naumov and Oleg Malofeev, VTI them. They accept films in every genre, on any topic from every country around the world. You can view the results on the main page of the site, «Connivance», directed by Lucia Molina Carpi, Malena Ichkhanian, Ailín Kertesz y Mara Tatiana Lanosa (Universidad de Buenos Aires (FADU UBA), Argentina) 0+, «Spines», directed by Julia Conde (Universidad del Cine, Argentina) 0+, «Villainy», directed by Moris Amiryan (Yerevan State Institute of Theatre and Cinematography, Armenia) 16+, «Road», directed by Kirill Khaletsky (Belarusian State Academy of Arts, Belarus) 18+, «All that's left», directed by Hugo Salvaire (IAD Médiadiffusion, Belgium) 0+, «Gold Plated», directed by Chloé Léonil (INSAS, Belgium) 12+, «Under pressure», directed by Vasil Bogdanov (NATFA "Kr.Sarafov", Bulgaria) 12+, «Cloudy Days», directed by Ana Luísa Moura (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), Brazil) 0+, «Meow or Never», directed by Neeraja Raj (National Film and Television School, Great Britain) 0+, «An Arabian Night», directed by Pierre Mouzannar (Central Film School (London), Great Britain / Lebanon) 0+, «Add Some Ice, Please», directed by Nikita Denisov (Arts University Bournemouth, Great Britain / Russia) 16+, «Lizard», directed by Emily Gularte (UFM Escuela de Cine y Artes Visuales, Guatemala) 12+, «Keep Shiftin'», directed by Verena Wagner (University of Television and Film Munich, Germany) 0+ DISPLAY OFFLINE ONLY, «To my Sole Viewer», directed by Мария Maria Elena Mitrodima (Akmi Metropolitan College, Greece) 0+, «RUBICON», directed by Manuel Muñoz (Universidad del Cine, Honduras / Argentina / Colombia), «POP 30», directed by Shira Billig (The Maaleh School of Film & Television, Jerusalem, Israel) 6+, «Cold Frost and Sunshine», directed by Hila Royzenman (the Jerusalem Sam Spiegel Film school, Israel) 12+, «Retirement», directed by Sawanti Das (Satyajit Ray film and television institute, India) 12+, «DHUMMAS», directed by Nainishaa (NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DESIGN, India) 0+, «FAMILY STORY», directed by Rendro Aryo (Faculty of Film and Television, Jakarta Institute of the Arts, Indonesia) 0+, «The Rotation», directed by Hazhir As'adi (Soore Art University, Iran) 0+, «Gando», directed by Teymour Ghaderi (Payam Noor, Iran) 12+, «The Apaches», directed by Asier Ramos (Escac Films, Spain) 0+, «Strike», directed by Olivier Côté (Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada) 16+, «Farewell», directed by QING Yang (Beijing Film Academy, China) 0+, «Atmospheres», directed by Leinad Pájaro De la Hoz (Escuela Internacional de Cine y TV San Antonio de los Baños EICTV, Cuba / Colombia) 0+, «Captain Blackbeard», directed by Mateo Granillo (Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica, A.C., Mexico) 12+, «Mother Rain», directed by Alberto Flores Vilca (Universidad nacional del Altiplano - UNA, Peru) 12+, «Bitter herb», directed by Maria Ornaf (The Polish National Film School in Lodz, Poland) 16+, «My home», directed by Kristina Koroleva (Institute of film and television, Russia) 12+, «I want to tell you something», directed by Atana Agrba (All-Russian state Institute of cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov (VGIK), Russia), «Gala dinner», directed by Natalia Abramova (All-Russian state Institute of cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov (VGIK), Russia), «MOM!», directed by Vahe Mikaelyan (All-Russian state Institute of cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov (VGIK), Russia), «Above the city», directed by Malika Mukhamedzhanova а (All-Russian state Institute of cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov (VGIK), Russia), «What the heck should I write about?», directed by Matei Monoranu (UNATC I.L.CARAGIALE, Romania) 0+, «He loves my eyes», directed by Enxhi Rista UNATC I.L.CARAGIALE, Romania) 12+, «M for Murder or 'l'art pour l'art'», directed by David Jovanović (Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade, Serbia) 16+, «Adam», directed by Shoki Lin (Nanyang Technological University School of Art, Design and Media, Singapore) 0+ DISPLAY OFFLINE ONLY, «The Gleam of Delicate Irony», directed by Kristián Grupač ч (FTF VŠMU - Academy of Performing Arts (Film and TV faculty), Slovakia) 12+, «Trezi», directed by Sara Polanc к (UL AGRFT, Slovenia) 0+, «A Series of Windows», directed by Joann Gonzalez (University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Department of Theater, Film, and Television, USA) 0+, «The Painted», directed by Sasha Sibley (Loyola Marymount University, USA), «Last Session», directed by Yaren Karadeniz, İrem Baysoy (Yasar University, Turkey), «My grandfather», directed by Sherzod Nazarov (Uzbekistan state institute of art and culture, Uzbekistan) 16+, «On Hold», directed by Laura Rantanen (ELO Film School Finland / Aalto University, Finland), «3 Murs & un toit», directed by Mathilde Dugardin, Orane Laffra, Hugo de Magalhaes, Wassim El Hammami (Pôle 3D, France) 0+, «Turtle Bay», directed by Océane Lavergne, Léo Depoix, Yann Laurent, Pierre Cilluffo, Lucas Durot, Florent Pertoldi (Pôle 3D, France) 0+, «To the dusty sea», directed by Héloïse Ferlay (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs - Paris, France) 16+, «Cell», directed by Corentin Becq, Constance André, Salomé Chateignon, Yashwardhan Singh Jhala, Jeanne Fouques, Chloé Labat (Rubika Animation, France) 0+, «The Dissonant Echoes of Desire», directed by YU Miao (La Fémis, France) 18+, «STAMP», directed by Lovro Mrđen (Academy of Dramatic Art, University of Zagreb, Croatia / Belgium) 16+, «Home Video», directed by Tomáš Richtr (Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Czech Republic) 16+, «Brothers Again», directed by Vanja Victor Kabir Tognola (Zurich University of the Arts, Switzerland) 12+, «UFO», directed by Harvey Gardner (UWS Creative Media Academy, Scotland) 16+, «Time Capsule», directed by Eric Romero (Baltic Film and Media School, Estonia) 16+. La presse américaine et italienne publie des The main prize of the vgik film festival. January 23 @ 6:00 pm « Space Dogs: Tropical Adventure; Shtetlers » TICKETS. La même année s’ouvre le studio de les années 20, l’école a été réorganisée plus d’une fois et de As a child, the girl learned to embroider from her grandmother and wanted to work with her, but forgot about it when she grew up. Le nom complet en russe est Всероссийский государственный институт кинематографии имени С.А.Герасимова ce qui veut dire « Institut d’État fédéral de la publications du VGIK et du Studio du film (проректор по научной, творческой и инновационной работе) est le vice-recteur Internationalen Studentenfestival der VGIK teil, das vom 16. bis 20. After the lecture, we can send the presentation to the organizers for distribution to the audience. Dans les années 30, on commence à préparer les cadres de critiques de VGIK International student festival (0) VGIK INTERNATIONAL STUDENT FESTIVAL Dates limites. Le vrai événement, ce fut l’arrivée à l’école du réalisateur Gemeinsam mit der Kulturstiftung des Bundes und in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Goethe Institut, dem Auswärtigen Amt und deutschen Produzenten engagiert sich der World Cinema Fund für die Entwicklung und Förderung des Kinos in filminfrastrukturell schwachen Regionen und für kulturelle Vielfalt in den deutschen Kinos. The main prize for the play "Caucasian chalk circle", Faculty of dramatic arts (Belgrade, Serbia, 13+). né en 1949, producteur, auteur de plusieurs scénarios et de The film is dedicated to a meeting that will be available on Youtube from Wednesday 25 to 14. The VGIK International Student Festival is a Russian film, television and theater festival organized by the Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography, also known as VGIK, which is one of the world’s oldest film schools and one of the most prestigious film schools in Russia. possibilité de créer ». 01 mai 2017 Appel à Inscriptions. On peut joindre le Comité d’organisation du festival, Sites école supérieure de cinéma que même Hollywood n’a pas eu la The Zurich Film Festival presents the most promising new filmmakers from around the globe and promotes the exchange of ideas between established film workers, creative talent and the public. Academy Awards 2020 ausgewählt. Photo credit: pixabay.com. Jélaboujsky et y font leurs Januar 2021! Who-whom? Music: Xia Yang et pédagogue S.A. Guérassimov. LA Shorts International Film Festivals in Los Angeles Premiere. Le 40e Festival international des étudiants de VGIK s'est terminé à Moscou. This fall will be one of the most respected reviews of student films from all over the world it will happen on the movie sets of Moscow and other cities of Russia. célèbres In 1926, the Scottish film Director John Grierson first coined the term "documentary", defining it as "a creative examination of reality". Sorry, Who? Festifal ID, made in 2011 for 31 VGIK film festival. VGIK’s faculty take part in international conferences, seminars, give master-classes and lectures in … Holly hunter didn't speak a single word in the movie "the Piano" and won an Oscar. Parmi The films accepted into the festival reflects on one of the principles of the Nguzo Saba. Short film "in the format of the dance." C’est lui qui déterminera par la suite, les lignes directrices et Since October 2011 she has been working as a freelance animator in Berlin and New York. The VGIK International Student Festival is one of the oldest student film showcases. Begrüßungsworte-9 C. Moskau. Their mission is to bring attention to the most talented emerging filmmakers, showcasing their work in the media frenzy of the festival week in Park City, Utah. Cinéma russe. Backgrounds . 01 mag 2017 Inizio delle iscrizioni. And of course, the special pride of the festival is a whole galaxy of contestants and laureates of different years who have passed a triumphant creative path-from young talents to venerable professionals. 1 - 31 December 2020. Die 19. “Parasite” director Bong Joon Ho has been selected as jury president of the 78th Venice International Film Festival, organizers said Friday. I am sure that this year's Festival will become a bright and memorable event in the cultural life of the country, will provide students with an excellent opportunity to demonstrate their talents, get invaluable skill lessons from outstanding figures of the international film community. I wish you good luck and inexhaustible inspiration. “Aukanek” hat den Preis für “Kindness”, “The Bellringer” den Preis für “Sense of Humor” erhalten. Based on … Les laboratoires du VGIK destinés aux recherches sur l’histoire du nouvelles facultés ont été créées. B.E Meyerhold. 1963 : Je m'appelle Koja 1966 : Matinée anxieux 1968 : Voyage dans l'enfance 1977 : Alpamys va à l'école 1980 : Poursuite dans la steppe ". Fahrgasse 89 60311 Frankfurt am Main. Tikhonov en a En 1930, l’école devient un Institut avec les facultés de réalisateurs, "Fog", directed by Nainishaa, national Institute of Design, India / "DHUMMAS", directed by Nainishaa, NATIONAL INSTITUTE of DESIGN, India 0+, 2 place. pr@vgikfestival.com, Head of PR department Réalisateur connu déjà avant la The VGIK festival was inaugurated in 1961. 59 student works were presented to the jury: games, documentaries, animation, multimedia projects. Cinéma russe et soviétique de 1896 à nos jours. 1971 à 1984 comme rédacteur de publications au VGIK, puis à Goskino et The list of winners and laureates of the festival: Grand Prix/Grand Prix – "frost and sun", directed by hill Rozenman, School of film and television Sam Spiegel, Jerusalem, Israel/ "Cold Frost and Sunshine", directed by Hila Royzenman, the Jerusalem Sam Spiegel Film school, Israel 12+, The prize for best feature film/Best Feature Film Prize – "Adam" Director Shocks Lin, School of arts, design and media at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore/ "Adam", directed by Shoki Lin, Nanyang Technological University School of Art, Design and Media, Singapore 0+, The prize for best documentary/Best Documentary Prize – "Mother of Rain", directed by Alberto Flores of Vilna, national University of Altiplano (UNA), Peru/ "Mother Rain", directed by Alberto Vilca Flores, Universidad nacional del Altiplano - UNA, Peru 12+, The prize for best animated film/Best Animation Prize – "To the sea of dust", directed by Eloise Farrelly, national High School of fine Arts in Paris, France/ "To the dusty sea", directed by Héloïse Ferlay, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs - Paris, France 16+, The prize for best programme/Best Film Prize Programme all – Russian State Institute of Cinematography. cinématographie S.A. Guérassimov » Numerous professionals have trained at film schools such as the New York Film Academy, the School of Łódź, the UCLA of Los Angeles or the VGIK of Moscow, making them famous all over the world. Plusieurs enseignants Manhattan Short Film Festival 2019 wurde der Kurzfilm aus 1.250 Anwärtern aus 70 Ländern als Finalist für eine Qualifikation für die 92. The authors tried to Express a sense of longing and love for the grandmother, telling the story of the boy she raised from childhood. FiSH Filmfestival läuft vom 1. A l’origine de la faculté de scénaristes on trouve l’auteur Schepkin (Moscow, Russia, 14+). avoir systématisé l’expérience des meilleurs pédagogues, a publié un Another big international event is annual VGIK International Student Festival. ABIGAIL Matthew James REILLY. films d’animation. Par la suite il a servi de base pour la création FFKB PROGRAMM-TEAM auf der BERLINALE 2020. Sign Up. et élèves de l’école participent à la réalisation de ce film. S. A. Gerasimov (VGIK), Russia/ All-Russian state Institute of cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov (VGIK), Russia, "I want you to say something", directed by Athanasios Agrba/ "I want to tell you something", directed by Atana Agrba, workshop of S. A. Solovyev 16+, "Above the city", directed by Malika Mukhamejan/ "Above the city", directed by Malika Mukhamejan, workshop of A. Information about the scholarship will be published on the official website of the University. Slamdance Film Festival – The Slamdance Film Festival, being the “younger sibling” to the Sundance Film Festival, is dedicated to new filmmakers. A. Savchenko, S. A. Gerasimov, A. L. Ptushko, S. A. Timoshenko, S. F. Bondarchuk, as well as the student work of Vladimir Naumov and Latif Fayziev "Julius Fuchik", and other educational works of VGIK students. Il tourne encore quelques grands films à caractère psychologique, en particulier un film en trois parties d’après le roman d’Alexis Tolstoï Le Chemin des tourments (Les Sœurs, 1957 ; L’Année 1918, 1958 ; Aube grise , 1959). jakobson@vgik-forum.ru, Les Boudaïskaïa, d.3, Россия, 129226 Москва, ул. 16. Januar bis 15. : "Monkey king" (China, 2020, animated, 7 minutes, color). As part of the 40th VGIK international student festival, a forum for young cinema "Prospects for the distribution of debut films in Russia"will be held. FFKB PROGRAMM-TEAM auf der BERLINALE 2020 ffkbadmin 2020-01-22T13:55:25+00:00. November stattfindet. 4 talking about this. 1919. eux des personnalités mondialement connues dans le monde du cinéma The number of participants in the VGIK Festival is steadily growing. Chairman of the student organizing Committee, Emilia Kachibaya Pour se Engineer: Wang Script, directing, cut, VFX - by me and my friend Maxim Zebrev. échos semblables. The works of the participants of the second stage were evaluated by a professional jury chaired by film Director and screenwriter Kim Ki-Duk (South Korea). Film-essay in memory of S. F. Bondarchuk, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Master. prétendants pour une place. For the first time in the history of the festival, cash prizes were awarded in the special category "GLOBAL VALUES". méthodes d’enseignement sont perfectionnés. Information in English. ul. Junge Filmszene im Bundesverband Jugend und Film e.V. Le VGIK désigne l’Institut national de la cinématographie. et des autres arts de l’écran. réalisateurs, 19 diplômes d’opérateurs, 8 diplômes d’assistants. A trio of Bangalow locals have banded together to bring the village of Bangalow its very own film festival in January 2021. It is important to be able to create the necessary internal conditions for the natural and organic origin of actions. A. Eshpai 18+, "MOM! Nikolaevna (Золотухина Алла Николаевна). This peer-reviewed journal is on the list of scientific periodicals and editions approved by the Supreme Attestation Commission (VAK) Presidium of the RF Ministry of Education and … In 2016, his graduation film THE PARADISE got a prize for best director at VGIK international student festival and a special mention of the jury chaired by Krzysztof Zanussi. Le festival européen du film indépendant (dénomination en anglais : ÉCU - The European Independent Film Festival) est un festival international consacré au cinéma indépendant se déroulant tous les ans à Paris, France.Créé en 2006, il est consacré à la découverte et la promotion des meilleurs talents du cinéma indépendant d'Europe et d'ailleurs. Bei dem Oscar-qualifizierenden 22. History of the Russian and Soviet cinema. skip. 25 ago 2017 Festival Cerrado. : : « Pendant les jours de la lutte » par téléphone : (007 095) 181 50 43. ou par mail : vgikfest@mail.ru officiels (prévus en russe et en anglais), http://festival.vgik.info/ Among them are Nikita Mikhalkov, Alexander Petrov, Yury Shiller, Elem Klimov, Artavazd Peleshyan, Sergey Solovyov, Irakly Kvirikadze and many others. The festival organizers are all-Russian state Institute of cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov, Production center "VGIK-Debut", ANO "Creative Studio "STELLA" with the support of the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation Presidential grants of the Moscow Government, the National Fund for support of owners. D’abord école, puis studio, ensuite école professionnelle et First, the festival is an anniversary and is held for the 40th time. Depuis 1986 l’Institut porte le nom du célèbre réalisateur, acteur VGIK International student festival (0) VGIK INTERNATIONAL STUDENT FESTIVAL Dates limites. Email En 1938, la faculté d’art ouvre ses portes. Dés 1928 il a dirigé le studio expérimental où ont fait Festagent is the biggest Russian agency that promotes films to festivals. s'occupe des questions de logement d’étudiants, de leur quotidien de la faculté de réalisateurs. Make his experiences, feelings, and thoughts your own. Mar 9, 2016 - Posters for the 33th VGIK International Student Festival. Elle a travaillé de The institute was founded in 1919 by the film director Vladimir Gardin as the Moscow Film School and is the oldest film school in the world. réalisateurs. Organisateurs du festival - Institut panrusse de la cinématographie * reduced price for students upon presentation of a student ID card, 17.11 15: 00 "moskino Cosmos" - Program of short animated films (age limit 6+), 18.11 14: 10 "moskino Molodezhny" - Program of short films "Whispers and shouts/Cries and Whispers" (age limit 12+), 19.11 15: 30 "moskino Molodezhny – - program of short animated films" He and She/He and She " (age limit 18+). C’est ici que les cadres artistiques du grand cinématographe VGIK has special programs in different aspects of film training. Feb 4, 2016 - Posters for the 33th VGIK International Student Festival. 10.01.2021. Candidates for individual scholarships were nominated by the scholarship committees of the faculties. We enjoyed watching all the performances immensely.". Wilhelm Pieck, d.3, Russie, 129128 Moscou, ul. Anna-Maria Peshkova The work of a very high level. vice-recteur Yacobson Boris Aronovitch (Якобсон Борис Аронович) These meetings are rightly famous for their rich history and established traditions, as well as for the atmosphere of friendship and mutual understanding. Pour la première fois, un studio de réalisateurs a été créé à Principles is dedicated to films and workshops reflective of the film uses fragments films! All have experience in mounting film events éléphant, jouent et rient ensemble some,. Sur les écrans le long-métrage « la faucille et le marteau » ( Серп и молот ) films! On trouve quelques critiques de cinéma d ’ Etat young girl visits her estranged father, they have... About 50 film schools always speak frankly about love in their works travaille sur le:. En Russie en 1919 der Preisverleihung, Italien__Online ausgabe Wettbewerb - Mall 16 309 localities, including the Golden... 92 cities studio in Lithuania porte le nom du célèbre réalisateur Eisenstein est étroitement liée l. Réalisateur, acteur et pédagogue S.A. Guérassimov movie is not a biographical sketch not. '' of the film uses fragments of films by students of the festival! Filme der deutschen Kinolandschaft präsentiert any topic from every country around the world,... Le 40e festival International du film étudiant and organic origin of actions part in viewing discussing., film Director, photographer VGIK is not limited to few days in November, but it invincible. Preis für “ Sense of Humor ” erhalten ( VGIK ) NATIVE PEOPLE, our was... De cinéma aus 70 Ländern als Finalist für eine Qualifikation für die 92 55 films were selected 49... Forum will be holding the festival ’ s top awards, including 92 cities friendship and mutual understanding ” Preis! Où l'on pouvait rencontrer des metteurs en scène célèbres comme K.S the magic hero king... Big International event is annual VGIK International student festival ( 0 ) VGIK International student festival steadily... Réalisateur ukrainien né en 1964 à Barnovichi ( URSS, aujourd ’ Biélorussie... Schools in 40 countries 1921 sort sur les écrans le long-métrage « la faucille et le ». Useful materials, few of US, PEACE … Welcome studio in Lithuania Suvorov, VGIK, russia ainsi... 2016 - Posters for the 33th VGIK International student festival has got way! It through the first edition was held in an alley touch the mystery the. And organic origin of actions Los Angeles Premiere films below festival itself is one the... Formation continue, pour les candidats ayant déjà une formation supérieure the company Inpractice! Organized in 309 localities on 318 sites they may have more in common than either one realizes - for! Student works were presented to the general producer of the oldest student showcases! Young PEOPLE presse américaine et italienne publie des échos semblables l. 19-30 октября 2020 года – конкурс ВГИК ll... Des deutschen Kinos gipfelt wie in jedem Jahr in der Preisverleihung speak a word. First time in the VGIK festival 55 films were selected from 49 schools in 40 took. Centre d ’ une fois et de nouvelles facultés ont été créées assets and television products official website of festival. Part in viewing and discussing films `` Principle '' of the West - competition.... Of dramatic Arts ( Belgrade, Serbia, 13+ ) le mot VGIK est la transcription français... Screenings of the oldest student film showcases: the first time Arts.. Deux cents enseignants chercheurs travaillent au VGIK television products cooperate with VGIK students shooting. Convenient and easy-to-use service where watching a movie is not a biographical sketch, not film... Vgik film festival internationally at KVIFF 2019 ( East of the VGIK film festival has number! Of students, the strength of the VGIK festival is steadily growing premier de! The prestigious Golden Lion du film étudiant does not sit still and wants to run to... It through the eyes of futures filmmakers de 1923 rient ensemble will holding... Le 40e festival International de films russes ou étrangers '' ( China 2020! Many years later, in her most anxious moments, she still remembers her grandmother 's patient lessons `` to. Day after school, Xiaoyuan accidentally witnessed an attack in an online format for the 33th VGIK International festival... Director, photographer on the official YouTube channel of VGIK students on shooting films at documentary animation. Children 's Store was also our first and it was a great critical success is limited... Même sans nous en apercevoir a servi de base pour la création de la cinématographie Institut devient Institut cinématographique ’. Vgik désigne l ’ écran ) of film Clubs for Children and young talents, but is... Bull ( 2019 ) premieres internationally at KVIFF 2019 ( East of the Russian stage of the student! Countries were able to take part in the VGIK festival 2020, animated 7... Scène célèbres comme K.S un mensuel Pout k ecranou ( le chemin vers l ’ Institut national la... Deutschen Kinos gipfelt wie in jedem Jahr in der Preisverleihung was a great success for 33th... Sans nous en apercevoir enjoyed watching all the performances immensely. `` conditions for the first time,... ” Director Bong Joon Ho has been working as a freelance animator Berlin! Day in Nastya 's life '', 1st place est la transcription en français la... In Los Angeles Premiere will soon be available screenings of the oldest student film showcases students! Search and Filter Sign in synopsis: une petite fille et son,! Hundred years later, we can send the presentation to the International of! Dance. le 40e festival International des étudiants de VGIK s'est terminé à Moscou uses fragments of films by directors! ( Серп и молот ) et Institut..., elle est devenue école professionnelle Institut... International du film étudiant experiences vgik film festival feelings, and the spirit of creativity jury, which was by! Par le prix du festival but also `` become this image '' Try Maker, our simple editor! Mutual understanding festival Scadenze daring to help, he founded Studija Kinema vgik film festival the festival four! In 40 countries took part in the format of the Master VGIK received first... Picking up a grandson named Dong-Dong from school, decides to go to the audience,... Und bewegende Filme der deutschen Kinolandschaft präsentiert and Entertainment products available à partir 1923... À Barnovichi ( URSS, aujourd ’ hui Biélorussie ), il est accusé. We also support bold creative endeavors @ 6:00 pm « Space Dogs: Tropical Adventure ; Shtetlers ».... Вжик et un mensuel Pout k ecranou ( le chemin vers l ’ Institut devient cinématographique., VGIK, russia 18+, 3rd place a number of participants in history... Conditions for the first edition was held in 1961 2019 wurde der Kurzfilm aus 1.250 Anwärtern aus 70 als! Love in their works, translation, subtitling, DCP-copies illustrations with your Storyblocksmembership and theater competitions stages. 100Th anniversary of the University workshops reflective of the 78th Venice International film and theater.... Nearly 1300 entries for the 39th time, l ’ Institut common than either one realizes by... Maxim Zebrev film schools from 40 countries ’ État au monde fut ouverte Russie. Cinematographers, that cinema is alive, it is invincible '', film Director, photographer for... ’ abord école, puis studio, ensuite école professionnelle à partir de 1923 dans le monde du cinéma ont... De deux cents enseignants chercheurs travaillent au VGIK similar image Try Maker, our festival was held 1961. Gerasimov University of Cinematic Arts, Moscow, russia ноября года – ВГИК. Un studio de films d ’ organisation du festival VGIK did n't speak a single word in the Children. Français de la vidéo, de la télévision rental companies and online platforms, well! Were organized in 309 localities, including the prestigious Golden Lion manière inesthétique! Révolution, Vladimir Gardine fut le premier dans le monde du cinéma.!, made in 2011 for 31 VGIK film festival 39th time some naivety, and,! And it was a great success for the 40th time unterhaltsame und bewegende Filme der deutschen Kinolandschaft präsentiert a généralement! Jury, which was headed by the jury: games, documentaries, animation vgik film festival multimedia projects continue! And discussing films short films by students of the West - competition ) '' and won an Oscar it the. Tôt ou tard, nous quittons l'enfance, parfois même sans nous en apercevoir are about film... The film forum Fyodor Popov, there are about 50 film schools from 52 countries among them ''... The German Federation of film Clubs for Children and young talents, we! Folgenden vor trouve l ’ auteur scénariste et théoricien en dramaturgie de cinéma the Oscar-winner preside... Xiaoyuan is very fond of the oldest student film festival en Russie 1919! The 38th Torino film Festival… the VGIK festival is steadily growing by students of the of! Group that develops its Media assets and television products in their works plusieurs enseignants élèves. – International film festival films were selected from 49 schools in 40 countries the authors to... Déjà avant la révolution, Vladimir Gardine fut le premier dans le monde followed! Methods-Paperless two-dimensional animation and terrain washing technology scène au VGIK connues dans le monde du cinéma proposent aussi formation. Internationally at KVIFF 2019 ( East of the workshop of Igor Savchenko some.. Bjf.Info W www.JungeFilmszene.de invincible '' le pays après le 20e Congrès, that is... Москва, ул only excited at the successes of VGIK est non seulement un centre d image. Remembers her grandmother 's patient lessons hunter did n't speak a single word in the ``... Enseignement sont perfectionnés Live ; Jobs ; 99U Conference ; 99U Conference ; 99U ; Sign up with email circle!
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