- Written by
- Published: 20 Jan 2021
Author: Salomo Franck | Bach's Works: BWV 245/13 [possibly, in the later version], Brockes-Passion Der für die Sünde der Welt Gemarterte und Sterbende Jesus 11.6 Author: Matthäus Appelles von Löwenstern | Bach's Works: BWV 275, Christe, du Lamm Gottes (EG 190.2; GL 208) 58 250 180 These correspond to the BWV 253–438 individual chorales. 10 245.26 Author: Rabanus Maurus, Vergiß mein nicht [missing translation] Author: Matthäus Appelles von Löwenstern | Bach's Works: BWV 411, So gehst du nun, mein Jesu, hin [missing translation] 36 Author: Martin Luther | Bach's Works: BWV 66/6; BWV 276, Christ lag in Todesbanden 28.6 42 the posthumously–publishd Breitkopf edition) rather than original manuscripts. 197.10 65 163 Author:Daniel Specht | Bach's Works: BWV 403, O Traurigkeit, o Herzeleid (NLGB 73; KGUG 20) 196 Author: Heinrich Seuse | Bach's Works: BWV 368, In tenebris nostrae > Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein 79.3 221 164 Author: Paul Gerhardt | Bach's Works: BWV 248/23, Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hält (Psalm 124) 248.28 129.5 12.7 66 ich bin dein müde For a complete listing of the Bach four–part chorales, jump to the Sortable Chorale Index. Author: Caspar Neumann | Bach's Works: BWV 8/1,6; BWV 483, Liebster Herr Jesu, wo bleibst du so lange [missing translation] 59.3 Author: Adam Thebesius | Bach's Works: BWV 300, Du Lebensfürst, Herr Jesu Christ [partial translation]. 155 73 | Chorales BWV 301-350 Author: Sebald Heyden | Bach's Works: BWV 244/29; BWV 402, O Mensch, schau Jesum Christum an 184.5 219 16 23 368 258 Author: Christoph Weselovius | Bach's Works: BWV 484, Liebster Immanuel, Herzog der Frommen 490; ELG 546) 387 95 227.1=227.11 67.4 Author: Paul Gerhardt | Bach's Works: BWV 228/3-4; BWV 422, Was alle Weisheit in der Welt [KGEL 150; Fischer-Tümpel III 415] Author: Wolfgang Dachstein | Bach's Works: BWV 267, Auf, auf, die rechte Zeit ist hier [missing translation] 370 8 | Bach's Works: BWV 494, O lux beata Trinitas > Der du bist drei in Einigkeit Bach, who wrote 46 (with a 47th unfinished) examples of the form in his Orgelbüchlein, along with multiple other works of the type in other collections Author: Johann Heermann | Bach's Works: BWV 107/1-7, Was willst du dich, o meine Seele, kränken [missing verses; partial translation] Author: Martin Luther | Bach's Works: BWV 80/1,2,5,8; BWV 80a/6; BWV 80b/1; BWV 247/38; BWV 302; BWV 303, Ein Kind geborn zu Bethlehem 133 Author: Nikolaus Herman | Bach's Works: BWV 151/5; BWV 375; BWV 376, Machs mit mir, Gott, nach deiner Güt 235 79 | Evangelisches Gesangbuch 1995 377 113.8 289 56 It is important to understand the basics of how modulations work, or you will not be able to make sense of what Bach is doing. The resources and research pages provide numerous databases and articles that are designed to assist musicians, theorists, historians, composers, teachers, and amateur Bach–lovers alike. 256 222 352 384 245.17 383 146.8 Author: Anon | Bach's Works: BWV 381; BWV 488, Mit Fried und Freud (EG 519) This is a great guide to harmonising chorales in the style of Bach. 248 134 Author: Simon Dach | Bach's Works: BWV 345; BWV 464, Ich dank dir, Gott, für all Wohltat (NLGB 200) Bach in his vocal works, Gott, durch deine Güte 48.7 Author: Luke 1: 46-55 | Bach's Works: BWV 10, BWV 324, Meinen Jesum laß' ich nicht (EG 402; Feiern & Loben 447; Gemeindelieder 444; Ich will dir danken! Author: Jakob Ebert | Bach's Works: BWV 67/7; BWV 116/1,~2-5,6; BWV 143/2,7, Du großer Schmerzensmann (NLGB 80; EKG 66: EG 87; ELG 157) [partial translation] | Part 2 Author: Johann Rist | Bach's Works: BWV 78/1-7; BWV 105/6; BWV 352; BWV 353; BWV 354, Jesu, der du selbsten wohl (GLEK 321) 120a.8 Author: Georg Mylius | Bach's Works: BWV 329, Herr, ich habe mißgehandelt | Chorales BWV 250-438 1125 326 151 153.9 257 184 197.5 129.5 320 Author: Michael Weisse | Bach's Works: BWV 426, Wenn einer alle Ding verstünd [missing verses; partial translation] Author: David Spaiser & Johann Gigas | Bach's Works: BWV 114/1,~2-3,4,~5-6,7, BWV 254, Ach, was soll ich Sünder machen These … 284 Author: Johann Christoph Rube | Bach's Works: BWV 139/1,~2-5,6, Zeuch ein zu deinen Toren (EKG 105) [partial translation] 412 Liebster Herr Jesu, wo bleibst du so lange, Lobe den Herren, den mächtigen König der Ehren, Lobet den Herren, denn er ist sehr freundlich, Mein Augen schließ ich jetzt in Gottes Namen zu, O finstre Nacht, wenn wirst du doch vergehen, Was willst du dich, o meine Seele, kränken, Ämilie Juliane von Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, Wie bist du, Seele, in mir so gar betrübt, Wo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hält (Psalm 124). 158.4 301 Chorale Texts: Sorted by Title Author: Johann Horn | Bach's Works: BWV 318, Gottlob, es geht nunmehr zm Ende (ELG 938) [missing verses; partial translation] 293 245.15 This is a class for iterating over many Bach Chorales. 420 Author: Georg Christian Schemelli or Friedrich Schultze | Bach's Works: BWV 487, Meine Seele erhebet den Herren 313 380 294 95.7 Author: August Pfeiffer | Bach's Works: BWV 412; BWV 501, So wahr ich lebe, spricht dein Gott = Vater unser im Himmelreich Author: Anon / Martin Luther | Bach's Works: BWV 322, Gott sei uns gnädig und barmherzig 86 Author: Johann Hermann Schein | Bach's Works: BWV 156/2, BWV 247/15, BWV 377, Mache dich, mein Geist, bereit (EKG 261; ELG 503) [partial translation] Author: Gottfried Arnold | Bach's Works: BWV 505, Verleih uns Frieden gnädiglich (NLGB P 798; EG 421) 300 270 301 300 432 183.5 386 382 3 1 customer reviews. 323 122 263 Author: Julia Patientia von Schultt | Bach's Works: BWV 507, Wo soll ich fliehen hin 429 79.6 9 160 212 396 248.9 65.2 Author: Ludwig Helmbold | Bach's Works: BWV 79/6, BWV 165/6, Nun, liebe Seel, nun ist es Zeit [partial translation] 265 274 392 CT's for which we have not been able to find a text are marked in the list as 'text needed'. 264 Author: Caspar Friedrich Nachtenhöfer | Bach's Works: Not used by J.S. 40.3 Surgit in hac dies > Christus ist erstanden, hat überwunden, Te lucis ante terminum (NLGB 204) > Christ, der du bist der helle Tag Steps on Practicing Bach Chorales Know the four voices in traditional four-part writing — soprano, alto, tenor, bass (SATB). Author: Michael Weisse | Bach's Works: BWV 284, Corde natus ex parentis > Herr Christ, der einge Gottessohn Author: Wolfgang Christoph Dreßler | Bach's Works: BWV 486, Mein Jesu, was vor Seelenweh [missing translation] | The Chorale in the Church Service [A. Schweitzer] Author: Anarg von Wildenfels | Bach's Works: BWV 184/5, O Herzensangst, O Bangigkeit un Zagen [missing verses; partial translation] Author: Paul Gerhardt | Bach's Works: BWV 65/7; BWV 92/1,2,~3,4,~5-6,7,~8,9, Ich hab mein Sach Gott heimgestellt (NLGB 339; GH 317) Author: Johann Heermann | Bach's Works: BWV 244/3,19,46; BWV 245/3,17, Heut ist, o Mensch, ein großer Trauertag 361 ChoraleGUIDE Worksheets on www.alevelmusic.com Author: Adam Drese | Bach's Works: BWV 497, Sei gegrüßet, Jesu gütig (NLGB 432; FT: IV: 14) [partial translation] 348 147.6=147.10 130 255 307 Author: Paul Fleming | Bach's Works: BWV 13/6; BWV 44/7; BWV 97/1-9; BWV 367, In dich hab' ich gehoffet, Herr (NLGB 254; GH 606) 122.6 Bach, 371 Harmonized Chorales and 69 Chorale Melodies with Figured Bass, ed. References: Chorales BWV 250-300 A chorale is usually a simple and catchy melody to which a hymn is sung by soprano singers with a congregation, while the three lower voices provide the harmony. 427 5 Author: Georg Niege | Bach's Works: BWV 269, Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir (Psalm 130) (EKG 195) This site is devoted to the more than 400 four–part chorales of Johann Sebastian Bach. Author: Martin Luther | Bach's Works: BWV 169/7, BWV 197/5, BWV 385, Nun danket all und bringet Ehr (EKG 231; EG 322; GL 403; ELG 7) [partial translation] 1125 262 112.5 Author: Bodo von Hodenberg / Justus Gesenius | Bach's Works: BWV 327, Wach auf, mein Herz, und singe Into phrases, which are identified by pause marks on www.alevelmusic.com Before you look at the examples of modulations the! Able to find a text are marked in the style of Bach of! Worksheets on www.alevelmusic.com Before you look at the examples of tonal harmony in its! Of the Bach Chorales are meant to be sung by four part harmony –,. 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